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BitShare 2.0 – Graphene Technical Documentation SiteMap!

I did draw the SiteMap. So, I can see and locate each content easily now!! :)

bitShares SiteMap

In the past several weeks, I had been trying to know and understand the BitShare2.0. So, I had started reading from the top. But I had lost many times,

“where am I? What was the term I just read?” while I was reading the Document. Since, that’s totally new technology to me. I confused and struggled to connect the information.

Although, I was interested to try and create something with this new technology, I discouraged to continue learning. :( Because I could not locate the each content and I could not see the over view.

Well, after thinking…

I said to myself “I need to have the contests list. So, I can see what’s in the Graphene Technical document easily. I would be better to remember what I am learning.” Since, I didn’t know anything about this technology. I had no idea where to start and what kinds of terms in the document.

First, I started collecting each content name in a Word document. But I failed. A lot of information to cover, my brain lost the connection again. Then, thought about using an Excel sheet. That was not so good choice, neither. So, I decided drawing. I might be able to use smaller font to all contents in one page. But I decided to do “easy to see and find” way. You might think too many pages but they are not duplicating contents. Just we have a lot of great and neat information to learn.

While I was clicking each link to get each content title, I discovered something new. That’s fun! After I finish this, I will start reading and hopefully create something!!

I have clicked almost all links on the Graphene Technical Document website to gather the information. But in this SiteMap, I did not go to deep levels. (For example, how many click you do to get the information. If you click more to get the information, you are getting deeper.)

So, I didn’t draw all contents belong to “User Guide” and “Tutorials”. They are coming soon!!

I thought this SiteMap might help someone like me… who wants to know what’s in the BitShares Graphene Technical Document and what can I do? And losing mind to find out how I can use this.

I don’t know if someone wants to have the SiteMap PDF file. But if someone, I’ll share the file; just I am not sure how to do in this community. Could anyone please tell me?

bitShares SiteMap

How to see this SiteMap.
bitShares SiteMap

Start here - page 1
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I wanted to create clickable links in the document. Maybe, nest step!! :) Please give me any comments or suggestions to improve this. :)
Thank you.

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