Request for help from the steemit community!

Sayee .jpg

Sayee with her mother

My friend @sayee who is a poetess here on steemit is going through a really hard time. Her and her family run farm in India which has been hit by heavy flooding. Her land and her home were flooded and has undergone damage, the most devastating being their well on which their farm and they rely on.

Without it they will struggle with their farm, without it there water supply is compromised! They need funds to fi the well asap so I am asking all of you to please if you can chip in and and donate or/and share her post or mine to help her! Any steem generated by this post is going directly to her but she really needs donations too so if you can please help. Life without clean water is something that we in the first world usually never have to face, we are the lucky ones even those of us who are with little to no means.

Calling upon my poetry brothers and sisters this is one of us that needs us @d-pend, @geekorner, @liverussian @hazem91, @acousticsteveo, , @calluna, @girlbeforemirror and @vdux

Calling upon my music tribe @d-vine, @junkfeathers, @elbrujo, @davidfar, @onemedia, @ivan.atman, @jeffleinwand, @termitemusic, @wolfnworbeikood, @thomasrobertgent, @darrenclaxton, @edprivat, @asonintrigue @paintingangels and @yidneth

calling upon @teamgood and all our narwhals, llamas. alpacas and unicorns, please bring your lambos @ancapbarbie, @battleaxe, @sapphic and @c0ff33a

Calling upon @dirge,, @giddyupngo, @mineopoly and @mariannewest and her chickens

Calling upon those I know that run charities here @sircork, @rhondak, @prc, @pennsif, @youarehope

Calling upon @enginewitty and @thealliance

calling upon @helpie

Calling upon my new friends @gray00 and @Vladivostok and their knights of the round table pledged to protect and make the steem blockchain better.

Thank you all for your interest and work on in the blockverse please pass this on <3

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(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


nan small.jpg

Artists & Musicians wanted for the One Project
Image source
One small .png

Image Credit

art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



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this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya

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