A Hemp Solution To Plastic

It's said that there are something like 50,000 different possible uses for hemp and one of the areas where the crop could play a big role is in replacing many plastic products in our market today.

The Ford Motor Company was allegedly the first company to build a car using hemp plastic. And a growing number of scientists are looking at the potential of how hemp could be used to replace plastic.

One company from Buffalo, NY, is specifically looking to find different ways to use hemp to solve many problems that we have today that we've been using plastic to solve. The company, Buffalo Hemp Co., is strictly dedicated to using hemp in order to create products that would traditionally have been created with plastic.

The company was founded by 24-year-old Denver Mackintosh, and he like many others today cannot understand why we aren't using hemp for more products in the market.

There is a lot of wealth that could be produced, jobs to be created, and a higher standard of living to ultimately be achieved, if lawmakers would embrace this crop rather than look to prohibit it.

One of their big plans, for Buffalo Hemp Co., is to start building many tiny homes by using hempcrete and they want to eventually donate those homes to homeless veterans.

When it comes to replacing plastic products, they've come up with things like hemp flower pots and trays. They are looking to target everyday items, and hopefully will get to creating things like hemp pill bottles and hemp single-use utensils.

At the moment it's still illegal to produce hemp crops in the U.S. unless you are doing so under very strict conditions. So there are some individuals who are engaged in growing the crop in the U.S. at the moment and there are also a number of universities who have been growing it for research purposes.

There is still a lot of room for growth in the way of exploring the possibility of replacing many plastic items that we use today with hemp.

And Buffalo Hemp Co, isn't only working with companies in the U.S. to create and distribute these products, but they are also working with others around the world to bring them a hemp solution as well.

hemp inc


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