How to make a Skin-Healing Salve from "Weeds," Part 2 (video)

Finally, here is part two of how to turn backyard "weeds" into a useful, gentle salve that is perfect for bites, scrapes, cuts, and stings! The lowly plantain, bright red clover, and forgotten self-heal that populate many a backyard (and back 40) are wonderful, edible plants that can help with the daily bumps and bangs of life.

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As I said in the first part of this tutorial (find it here--> @slhomestead/how-to-make-a-skin-healing-salve-from-weeds-part-1-video ), I would much rather reach for a plant before a pill bottle, when at all possible. I don't put things in my body that I can't pronounce, so why would I slather a heaping dose of unpronounceables all over my skin, my biggest organ? Hopefully, even if you're beginning with herbs like I am, this foolproof, nontoxic salve can start your journey into self-reliance, plant-based healing, and learning!

This video picks up where the last one left off. Once your herbs are dried, I'll show you how to pack them with oil for a solar infusion, watch for mold or spoilage, and blend it with beeswax for a gentle, smooth balm.


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