Today's Goings-On

The onion seeds have germinated!

Now if I can just get them to grow until planting time. I don't know why I have such a high failure rate on onions, but this could be my year.


Today I'm starting Toothache plant.

This is the craziest herb! It grows to be about a foot tall. It has beautiful, red-purple leaves and the blossom looks like a red and yellow gum drop.


It's called Toothache plant because when chewed up, the oils in the blossom create a numbing effect in the mouth. Well, it's more like a numb buzzing. I guess the only way I can describe the feeling is it's like pop-rocks on steroids. You just have to try it. My kids and I play with it, and it's fun to give to unsuspecting friends and family just to watch them freak out for a minute. 😏

It can be used to make a mouthwash to prevent and treat periodontal disease. It's antimicrobial, and can be made into a tincture to treat bug bites and scrapes. It's an absolute must have in our garden!

Thank you so much for your time and interest!

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