@MrWang - Self Proclaimed "Bitshares Anti Hero"

Bitshares Anti Hero

I see this story going about some "Hero" token. Figured I'd chime in.

Please check out the steemit post To Seventy And Beyond

After all the work I put into establishing a new identity, brand and following from scratch while trying to raise the funds to continue producing Steemit content... I have my non crypto friends in the film industry to thank for finally making some sort of accomplishment.

They we're so impressed with my success on steemit and even more when they realize I'm basically generating my own income with my very own ideas.. they offered me full access to a studio and even want to produce my videos for me. Not only that.. We've combined our network of artist, producers and social media enthusiast/sensations in our industry, so we can cross promote and work together to boost our social media reach. They realize what I've been working on by my self in this new era of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and social media fusion, has so much potential and if managed correctly.. can blow the "competition" away.

For the past 10+ years I've tried to create and establish a name for myself.. Then I discovered Steemit and found instant success. So I started looking for funding to rent a studio and purchase studio equipment to continue producing my own videos. @Officialfuzzy discovered me on steemit and brought me to bitshares and this is where I've been ever since.. with the same goal in mind, get a studio, equipment, produce more work and generate more income...

What If I Stopped Representing Bitshares... Would You Notice?

I haven't received nearly as much consideration or acknowledgment for my contributions, as I expected but it was my fault for having high expectations.. This recent marketing "attempt" that crumbled to pieces, provided a better understanding of bitshares minded users. Meanwhile, I continued to produce my own work, with my own "marketing" style with only a few helpful and much appreciated investors, very limited personal funds and outdated, overworked equipment because I believed it would pay off at some point and finally it did... But it wasn't from bitshares, steemit or anything crypto related... it's coming from the target demographic you are trying to reach, yet constantly overlook.

You need me now, more then I need you...

Some already signed up for bitshares and steemit accounts. Soon, the entire team will be signed up and ready to move forward with our own gameplan. If bitshares is going to grab anyone's attention, disrupt the crypto world and have a social media presence.. bitshares will have us to thank for it.

My observations of this community, it's actions and commitment to greatness convinced me to create my own path and lead by example. This post isn't a pitch or some vain attempt to get you to buy my WangChange token as it's unrelated.. It's more of a mission statement. This is a collaboration of talent that will work within bitshares and steemit. We see the potential and learning how all this works together.. will not be an issue. We are filmmakers, storytellers and artist who believe this community will help us accomplish our long term goals.

If you want to help us, you are more then welcome to contribute in any way you can. We will research and learn about the DEX, bitshares and develop our content from our collective understanding. Who knows.. we might create a token and do an ICO but for now.. the plan is to take it one step at a time.

Once everyone is on board and somewhat comfortable with the DEX, bitshares and steemit.. The groundwork of an entertainment empire will begin to unfold and maybe soon enough, we will be able to kick off our shoes, layback and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Thank you bitshares.. you've made me become a bigger and stronger leader and made WangChange even more valuable in the long run.

It's for this reason, I'm making it clear.. I'm not your "HERO"... I'm an "Anti-Hero"

Whether you like me or not.. I'm carrying us to the frontlines. No questions asked... I just GET IT DONE.

Please contact me directly if you are interested in helping..MrWang Contact Banner.png

Don't forget to check out the rest of our production team...
@bycompoundfilms, @steemitafterdark, @brownhogg, @comediantrump, @mrwang, @xtrodinarypilot, @steemitafterdark

follow our blogs, subscribe to our youtube channels and leave any creative comments and feedback, in the comments section below.

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

Proud to be part of the Whaleshares project

Come Hangout With Us On On Our Whaleshares Discord Server... "Unfiltered"

Help Me, Help You

Please consider purchasing some WangChange or donating to @MrWang to cover production cost and expenses to continue creating and posting original, quality and informative content for Steemit and Bitshares. 1 WangChange token is worth $150 USD each and can be purchased/traded on the bitshares DEX. You may contact me directly via discord and steemit.chat under the username @MrWang.

WangChange Available On Openledger

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