hf19 - Pulling the ladder up, or more encouragement for Minnows to buy Steem? Targeting 500 Steem Power!

Over the past week there has been increasing discussion, resulting in some epic comment trails, regarding hf19 which is due to take place tomorrow (Tuesday 20th) at 11am EDT / 3pm GMT.

Views are mixed on who will benefit, however the cynical among us would not be blamed for assuming that the main players are not going to cut themselves short. Although, as one of the main concepts of Steem, it would benefit the platform (and Steem price) if more minnows could advance to dolphin status and in turn feed the smaller fish. Yes?


So, while the jury is out on how hf19 will unfold for all, I believe there's something the Minnows can do if they are serious about their Steem...

Buy more Steem Power!

'Why', I hear you ask? Why invest now when uncertainty is high, and you are stating concerns on Whales bringing this change to suit themselves?

The answer is the Steemit.com Vote power slider


As i have just found out by purchasing SP and powering up all the Steem accrued in my account, the 'voting power slide bar' is activated when you pass 500 Steem Power.


With this feature, i can now manage my voting power across more posts which, i think, is important for when HF19 arrives tomorrow. Usually my vote tally averages 50 votes a day and is split between:

  • Votes to 'strong' users i follow and appreciate their content
  • Feedback votes on my own blogs
  • Votes on new content / new user content
  • @Minnowsupport blogs

With only around 10 'full' votes before your power starts to decline (rapidly), this voting model is not possible with the inability to spread your power around.

So who would lose out from the above if push came to shove?

If i'm being honest, it would have to be the Minnows and new user content. Biting the hand that feeds you doesn't sound sensible, so that would include voting on stronger users who up-vote your comments if they like what they see, and voting on kind bloggers who comment and up-vote your posts. So that leaves the @minnowssupport and new user content, arguably the most important Steemit userbase, without the votes they need to encourage the platform to grow.

It is with the above in mind, that I've chosen to activate my Vote power slider in Steemit.com by reaching 500 Steem Power. Now i feel i can share the love around as i have been doing previously, and this makes me happy.

NB: I should include a paragraph including words like 'reward pool', and 'linear model' in this blog, but to be honest i don't care so much for this, what i think is most important is your visibility and engagement on the platform from your breadth, or reach, via voting; especially for Minnows trying to make a name for themselves. The pool and model can come later! Woop!

Is it worth the investment then?

I certainly think so. Without a good deal of luck / a pretty face / a 'bloat vote' (surely a @whaleshares competition contender!!?) from a Whale, it's going to take a little while to reach 500 SP. Speculate to accumulate someone smart (and now probably very rich) once said.

So, if you are serious about your Steem, this seems like the a good route to take. Beg, borrow, or steal, or just write good blogs/comments and buy your way to 500 SP - It's the holy land for this current fork in the road in my honest opinion.

Have a good day all and thanks for reading!


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img source: eatsparkcity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Fork-in-the-Road-2.jpg

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