#HHG12 - The Kindness Challenge: Adopted and Taking Care of Stray Cats|Daily Pet Photography|善良挑战赛:收养流浪猫

I was started to adopt and took care of stray cats since 10 years ago.

The first stray cat that I adopted – I named him “Aman” (it’s meaning “peaceful” in Malay word) He’s a Siamese cat and he got blue colored right eye and green colored left eye.

The Precise Photo of Aman|阿曼生前的珍贵照片

He was a very active and naughty pussy cat. He loved to jump, ran and bit everything in front of him.

Unfortunately, he’d passed away on the mid of January 2018. I was quite devastated, when he was gone…

After two weeks Aman is gone, a new stray female cat came to my house again. As usual, I adopted her and named her “Ami”.

When Ami came to my house, she’s having a bad flu and kept sneezing. I bought some lysine and fed her. She’d speedy recover from the flu and being active again.

The sicked Ami|病怏怏的阿咪

Ami is different from Aman, where she’s quite “manja”. She needs a lot of attention from me, where I need to spend a portion of my times playing with her.

About two months ago, a new stray cat appeared in front of my house again. This time, it’s a Tuxedo or Bicolor cat.

At first, I don’t want to adopt him, as I’ve already got Ami. However, after a few days of keep meowing in front of my house, I decided to take him into my house. I gave him a very cool name, “Si Belang Putih”.

Both of the cats didn’t end up well together, as Ami was extremely hatred on Si Belang Putih. Ami always bit and scratch Si Belang Putih without any reason. I was feeling sorry for Si Belang Putih.

The strange thing was Ami left unnoticeably and never came back to my house again!

Right now, there’s only Si Belang Putih that stay with me. He’s quite a gentleman and he like to sleep underneath my feet all day long.

Si Belang Putih.jpg
Si Belang Putih cute reaction|好奇的小白条

I’m blessed and happy to adopt all these stray cats, as they’re giving me opportunity to become a more compassionate, empathy and kindness person.

This blog is made especially for the Hello Hello Group #HHG12 - The Kindness Challenge


依稀记得,我的第一只流浪猫是一只暹罗猫,我管他叫“阿曼”(马来文的意思是“和平”)。这只猫咪有一双独特的眼睛 – 宝蓝色的右眼 + 碧绿色的左眼。








问题来了…… 阿咪似乎对小白条的到来,不是很欢迎。她无时无刻地在对他进行攻击 – 乱抓与咬他。我看到了,都为他觉得心疼。

在一个无声无息的日子 – 阿咪可能已经受过了这种打斗的生活,她毅然选择离开了!



PS: 此博客是特别为此“Hello Hello Group#HHG12”活动 – 善良挑战赛而精心编写的。

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