Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.1


Me and my two friend Charlie and Gary have been talking about going for an overnight camping hike for a while now.

So we have finally decided to book in a date for this trip, the week before the trip I looked up the weather forecast and saw that there were predicated storm on the planned date. So I told the guys that we will have to postponed it.

The day before the original planned date, we all met up for dinner, and they started to challenge my decision saying that I was scared of the rain and that we could still go if we wanted. So… I called their bluff, and decided that if they wanted to go, then let's go!

We were not prepared for the trip at all, and the trip was the very NEXT DAY, we went down to the supermarket and picked up bottles of water and whatever supply we could think of on the spot.

You could already see how this was a bad idea to go camping in storm season and on top of that we only started to prepare the day before the trip.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts below:
Part Two
Part Three


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