Mystic Bush's Rock Temple in Vinnytsa

The bas-relief on the wall of the cliff in the reserve "Busha" since its opening in 1824 is the topic of discussions of scientists.

On a branchy tree without leaves, a bird resembling a cock is sitting. There is a man who prays on his knees under the tree, and behind a man on a small hill stands a deer. Between them, in the upper part of the work, is a rectangular frame, the inscription in this frame was only recently restored: "Azm is Mirobog, Priest of Olga".

Scientists are lost in conjecture about the time of creation of a picture carved into stone (there are versions from the 1st to the 16th centuries AD), authorship and the values ​​of objects depicted on it.

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Location: Ukraine - Vinnytsa region, Yampol district

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