How proper History could create job and make money .

Today i am writing this because in Malaysia , most people think history is not worth learning or can't make money . I face the same argument from my parent when i become a numismatic dealer .

Today i will using China, United Kingdom, and Japan as example to show how history create Job and make money . I won't be talking much about Tourism business because that is the end product of the thing i going to talk about later.


In China three kingdom TV series is a big business . Did you know the 2008 three kingdom TV series cost 160 million yuan( RM99,214,502.40) and earn 800 million RMB (RM496,072,512). Normally when one TV series related to three kingdom story start , it will involve a lot of people thus providing more job opportunities for the arts & theatre industry.While some accuracy of the story-telling is questionable, it proves how a historical story still has value and it's benefits

United Kingdom

In the UK , history is serious business and in the past they create a lot of historical video series . When computer finally develop enough to support computer game . Creative Assembly(British Company) & Sega(Japan Company ) create the total war series . Each original copy cost around $60. Base on what i know, the total war Shogun 2 have 600k copies are sold, that would be around 36 million dollar of sales. Their latest project is the 3 kingdom total war series .


In Japan the Koei video game company constantly make video game related to three kingdom . Even the turn-based tactical role-playing simulation grand strategy wargames three kingdom produced 13 series from 1985 to 2016.

Looking at just these three examples ,if the historical stories are kept properly and documented accurately, it gives a chance for history to continue being shared even in modern platforms such as video games or TV series. While Creative Assembly do create total war series for the Europe and Mediterranean area but Shogun 2 total war series is the only cover just japan . This is possible due to Japan proper history record , even the royal family can be trace from the first emperor .

History is not a subject that can't help you earn money. Malaysia has a rich history, however it seems we have neglected to use it to its full potential to generate revenue and better job prospects for Malaysian's who may have a genuine passion for history .

Do you know Indonesia is also feature in civilization 6 game ?

After watching this , i also hope to see Malaysia one day can be feature in their future civilization game .

I hope after showing this few example that more malaysian will try to develop malaysia history subject Take me for example , because of the malaysia numismatic , i become a youtuber , dealer and steemit blogger .

As you can see history is not as useless as you think . the only limit is your imagination on how to turn it in to something that is more than just a story . Those great game are possible all thank the hard work of historian . There are some Malaysian dealer doing their own research so that the history are not lost like Saran Singh , KN Boon, Dickson Niew and other older generation whose name i don't really know much. Thank to them , i am able to share all this malaysia numismatic history with you all .

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