Story of one old Odessa house

After I posted a post with photos of an old Odessa house, many people wanted to know his story.

In the comments to have postoponed to tell the story of this house. In my Arsenal there was some information. After analyzing the data, I came to the conclusion that they are clearly insufficient for the full text. In this regard, I conducted additional research.

The history of the house

It is located at the address: Alexander Avenue 9. Although, as seen in the photo, the Avenue leaves only the end of the house. The main part of the building located on the street of Zhukovsky.

As the archival materials, this house was built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Here we see the first interesting point. This structure is known as the home of Jukovskogo. At the same time, we know that here, in the early 20th century a workshop for the production of bamboo furniture Chinese U. Livshits. Knowing the peculiarity of Odessa to name buildings, streets, squares... in honor of the famous citizens who lived here, or had a direct to the point attitude.

That is, in fact, we see some unusual situations. Workshop Livshits and Gukovskogo.

At first I decided to see who Galkowski. Oddly enough, but the mention of the Jew Moisei Janovice Gorkovskom was not very much. In the references mentioned Galkowski, who called himself the doctor. Considering some of the features of the Jewish clergy of the time, we can assume that he had a higher spiritual Jewish title. In this regard, he had the right to be called "the spiritual counselor of law." In the references mentioned that he was part of the Board of the Council of the spiritual Board of all the houses of prayer and synagogues in the city. In addition, he was Treasurer and was responsible for the distribution of matzos to the poor Jews of the city. If you consult other sources , then we will see that all members of the Board, and there are only 6, was quite famous entrepreneurs. So, M. Galkowski was co-owner of the company "Goods of the Crimean-Caucasian wine." Yes, and all his relatives, one way or another, engaged in business.

But there's no connection with Livecam! Here is look at the family of this very Livshits. Most likely we are talking about the merchant of the second Guild, the merchant the the the Nachman M. Livshits, who was engaged in the Creamery and dairy craft. In addition, he was the owner of a brick factory on Ivanovoj grief and was the owner of a grocery and colonial trade. Here is the link!

So, in fact, building No. 9, it is nothing like an apartment house. The owner of this house, was most likely, Galkowski. Let me remind you that the apartment houses, not only of the hotel, and spaces for rent. Often on the first and basement floors housed various stalls and workshops. These premises as well as residential, rented. Due to the fact that Livshits led the colonial trade, he was able to deliver materials for furniture production from any region of the world, including from China. But, as homeowners in Odessa of that period was not much, as individual names had not one but several plots in the heart of old Odessa, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Livshits had rented one of the rooms of a boarding house.
If you follow the kind of life Livshits, you can safely assume that the case did not last long. One son, Benedict, was shot in 1938. Second, Joseph died under mysterious circumstances. Well and the third was Moses, died in 1973. At the same time, he lived in Kiev, not in Odessa.

Thus, in addition to merchants, this house never lived any one famous person (Although they haven't lived here and worked). Most likely, all the tenants belonged to the middle class and did not stay long in one place. At the moment it is an ordinary house where, in addition to the apartments, are administrative and commercial premises.

All Odessa/1911 – 14.
The album "all Odessa"/2009
The Jews of Odessa and Southern Ukraine
To be continued... I will continue to speak for Odessa!

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Author: Yuri Plyatsko

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