The 3 Biggest Robberies Ever

Many of us would not be able to steal a needle, we consider it out of our morals, we even move away from criminals who are called thieves. However, it must be borne in mind that many of these "thieves" are great masters at what they do, and they have such great intelligence that they are capable of making super millionaire thefts and leaving them unharmed. 

That is why in this post we will talk about the 3 biggest robberies in history, which despite being something we disagree, it is very interesting to know how a couple of people were able to perform such great robberies.

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1. The first robbery we will talk about is "The Glasgow Train Assault". It was performed by only 15 men without firearms. It occurred in the "XX" century and to date is considered as one of the most important robberies of the century. The stolen booty gave a sum of 3 million euros, which if we equate it to today would be an approximate 46 million euros. This robbery took place on the morning of August 8, 1963. The train ran from Glasgow to London and was loaded with money. 13 of the assailants were captured, but his "Reynolds" ringleader mocked the law for 5 years until he was captured in 68 and served his sentence for 10 years, until the year 78.

2. The second robbery is the "Antwerp Diamond Center". This robbery was made in 2003 and is considered as "the perfect steal" and the best plan that has been until now. It happened in Italy where a band had to surpass 10 levels of security to be able to steal 100 million euros in diamonds, and the most interesting thing is that they did not leave a mark in the place of the robbery neither they used the force, they did as if of Your house will be so far this booty has not appeared, however the leader of the band "Leonardo Notarbartolo" was arrested and imprisoned for 10 years.

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3. The third robbery is the "Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston." This robbery occurred in 1990, on the night of March 18. It is the largest art theft that has been given up to now, which was valued at a cost of 300 million dollars. The robbery was carried out by only two people who disguised themselves as policemen, entered the museum at night and prevented the other guards, that made him want to walk and do whatever they wanted, robbed 13 works of art of "Degas "," Rembrandt "and" Vermeer ", and in turn before leaving the place, took the tapes with the recordings of the place. To date, it is not known who were the thieves and much less the whereabouts of the works of art.

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When it comes to robbery, no one can deny that there have been great robberies left in history as part of a great feat, because friends of the others always seek to appropriate what does not belong to him, committing the crime of stealing.


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