The Day The World Almost Ends

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The day was October 27, 1962. The Cold War was at a boiling point and about to go hot. An American U-2 was flying above the small island of Cuba in the morning and got shot down because the Cuban army thought it was a plane scouting for bombing locations for an invasion that they feared would come from Florida but actually the U-2 was a surveillance and reconnaissance plane that flied at high altitudes and was capable of operating in all weathers. The plane was capable of gathering a huge variety of imagery from multi-spectral images to infra-red that could be sent to ground data exploration centers.


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While this was happening, the Kremlin and the White House were packing heat, ready to press the button, when somehow thanks to the aurora borealis interference in the sky of the north pole an American pilot got lost and entered Soviet air space for more than 90 minutes, almost causing a total nuclear war but thanks to the cool head of many of the world leaders in both the White House and the Kremlin, the bombs didn't go off, but the day was not over yet.


Soviet Missiles possible attacks zones

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After hours of tension and almost destroying the world multiple times during that day, the Kremlin and the White house reached an agreement, the Soviet Union would remove the missiles from Cuba if the USA swore to never invade cuba again (and in the down low, not made public until later the USA also agreed to remove missiles it had stationed in Turkey). After this mess a "hotline" between the Kremlin and the White House was established so that this sort of miscommunication would never happen. The hotline remained active until the fall of the Soviets in 1992. Imagene how the world would be if the nukes where sent out that day, maybe we wouldn't even be here reading and browsing steemit... we may have ended up in a fallout kind of world or even worse, maybe the planet would not have been able to stand the nuclear power of boths nations and it would have just died slowly, destroying the human race with it.


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  • The images in this article where sourced from Pixabay, a royalty free image source!

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