1968: 50 years later - Call for memories, impressions, opinions

Probably most of you knows what happened in many western Countries during the 1968, and how deeply that impacted life, culture and politics in the following decades. If you are too young to know it - or you live in a Country absolutely untouched by those happenings - you can read it on Wikipedia.

(If you live in USA, then you could refer to what happened in 1967 in Philadelphia, or in 1968 at Columbia University, or in other protests of the students.)

The Sixties Protests

Of course, the 1968 was just the spike-year for the student protest, and History remember that year mostly - I think - for what happened in european universities. But student and young people protests happened along a decade, from the beginning of the '60s.

Whatever we think about that protests, they undoubtedly influenced our societies for a long period.

How much we know today about that period and the maybe utopic beliefs those young people had?

I'd like to read your impressions about it.

Do you have family tales, or some kind of knowledge you get from movies or novels about it? Personal knowledges, you know, not historical facts.

If you can, tell me what you know. Thanx!

images sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_of_1968 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1968_events_in_France#/media/File:1968-05_%C3%89v%C3%A8nements_de_mai_%C3%A0_Bordeaux_-_Rue_Paul-Bert_1.jpg

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