Chimney Garden and Queen's sorrow


I looked around the Queen's residence. The Queen's residence was narrow and small.

This is the back yard of the Queen's place.

In such a narrow space, it would be not easy to soften her stress from a struggle to survive in the Palace

It was sorry there was no enough space for Queen to walk around near her residence.

While walking along the wall of the Queen's residence, I could look at the patterns on the wall. I could find that kinds of the patterns only around the Queen's residence. I couldn't see that patterns in other place.

The patterns on the wall were various.

At first, there were geometric patterns

Next, the patterns of trees and flowers

The only place could give a comfort for the Queen was a chimney garden.

The chimney garden was in just opposite side of the king's residence.
This is the furthest place from the king's residence.

Chimneys were well known for it's beauty.
May be workers made chimney beautiful with thinking of Queen's sorrow.

I took close shots of the patterns of the chimneys

There were pine trees and so on

I don't know weather this small and narrow garden could be a comfort for the Queen.

The Queen had no other ways but to walk around this narrow and small chimney garden while the king had nights with his concubines. The only thing she could do was making a sigh alone.

The life in the Palace was not easy even for the Queen.
She could rest her poor spirit in this narrow Chimney Garden.

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