In the Port, What history left us.


I had visited Gunsan port which was west southern port city of Korea.
Gunsan was not a large city, but has a complicated history

Before being colonized by Japan, it was a small and peaceful place.
But later imperial Japan had plundered everything to invade China.

So there were traces of Japanese imperialism in Gunsan city.

There were so many Japanese style houses.

Some of them were deteriorated.

Some of them were well preserved.

The port had been built to ship the rice to Japan. So people in Gunsan at that times were hard to live. Also Gunsan was a base of Japanese army to the mainland China.

Now the Port had been rebuilt and turned into a base for fishing.


Walking around the port, I could feel what the life is. People were busy.

Ships were coming and going endlessly.

A fisherman was repairing a net on the ship.


Lighthouse was so impressive, its red and white color reflected by the lights had made dreaming fantastic atmosphere.


History passed away leaving us the traces.
Our mission is to cure the scars leftt in our mind.

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