Masterpiece Of Baekje Kingdom, Buddha Statue

Gilt- Bronze Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Sculpture Of Baekje Kingdom In Gongju Museum

After looking around the relics of King Muryeong, I went upstairs to second floor of the museum to look at other relics of Baekje Kingdom.
What I’d like to see was gilt-bronze Bodhisattva Sculpture in the age of Baekje Kingdom.
I heard that one priceless relic of Baekje kingdom was displayed on the second floor.

It was believed that this sculpture had been made in 7th century.
If it was made in 7th century, this sculpture seemed last work in Baekje Kingdom which was collapsed in 660 AD.


This statue was designated as the national treasury N 247.
The height was about 25 cm. Even though this sculpture was small size, the appearance of the face seemed delicate and perfect.

It’s smile was mysterious and calm.


The appearance of the face seemed to be localized.


This sculpture looked very elegant, especially it’s hand and bottle was so elegantly carved in my opinion.




I hope you adore the photos of the sculptures.
It’s balance was perfect. So I took photos from various direction.





The level of craftsmanship in Baekje kingdom seemed even much more advanced than that of following kingdoms.

I’d like to have a chance to explain this matters.

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