The Process of Development of Accessores of Shilla Dynasty.

Everything has it’s beginning. But It is very difficult to confirm exact time of it’s start. Especially in historical field, it is nearly impossible to find out when and what was a start. We could estimate it’s process through excavated relics. In this respect, the process of development of the golden crown and the accessories could be presumed.

There were lots of relics of accessories before the golden ones.
The golden crown and the accessories were latest things in chronicle base.
The first accessories I saw in the national museum in Gyeongju, Korea were made up of the glasses.


The glass necklaces and bracelets looked so modern. Even if someone say those accessories were made nowadays, no one will doubt about that.



You can fine the bending glasses. The type of bending glasses were as same as the bending jade of the golden crowns. In previous posting, I explained the bending jade meant the authority of King's political power


At first time, I saw the glass beads were big. But at that time, making glasses could not be easy thing for their technical level. The glass beads were transparent. It meant that the level of making glass was high as we think.

Next accessories displayed in the window were Jade necklaces and bracelets. The color of jade what I saw was red.
The red color jade was not common in Korea.
Usually the color of jade was green.




The next accessories were made up of the glasses. One thing different from first stage was the size of beads. In my guess, it meant that the technics making the glass beads became more delicate that before.
Making small glass beads must be more difficult technology than before.



What I saw in next window was the bending jade. But it was black. Black bending jades seemed crude that that of the golden crown.


At the same time, there were many necklace made with small beads of various materials




At first time it was not easy for me to align the process of the accessories, because those thing were displayed not by the same kinds but by the chronicle order.
When I was arranging the photos, I acknowledged there was a link between the accessories.
The development of technology would be accelerated with the contact with other culture.

In this point there were lots of contact with other cultures.
It was amazing Shilla dynasty had the contact with other cultures in the corner of Korean peninsular

I don’t know weather there is any meaning to arrange these relics in my concept.
But I hope my arrangement help you when you visit the national museum in Gyeonju, Korea.

Thank you so much for reading

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