The Relics Of King Muryeong From Baekje Dynasty

As entering into the museum, the first relic waiting for me was a silver cup which was found during the excavation of the tomb of Muryeong, 25th King of Baekje Kingdom.
King Muryeong had lived from 462 to 523 AD.


Museum in Gongju seemed to be dedicated to the relics from the tombs of King Muryeong.
There was simple introduction for the history of early Baekje, but main hole was filled with the relics of King Muryeong.

This tomb was only one excavated among Baekje kings tombs. Others had been stolen during Japanese occupation.

It was a luck that tomb of King Muryeong was not stolen by Japanese. The tomb was located under the ground and the entrance was concealed.

As entering into the room for the relics from tomb of King Muryeong. The Marking stone was displayed. With this stone, they found out the owner of this tomb was King Muryeong.


The queens marking stone was displayed together.


There were displayed metal coins found in the tomb. The coins was made in China. And this coins showed us the exchange between Baekje and China.


Next thing waiting for us was an animal of legend keeping the tomb. This animal was very impressive, so I took pics from different direction



It was impressive there was coins in front of the animal. These coins must be the travel money for the other world.

The coffins were located after the animal. That was made with Japanese Golden Pine trees.


Actually it meant that here was a close relationship between Baekje and Japan.
The Royal family of Japan believed to be originated from Baekje Kingdom.

Inside of the tomb was displayed as below


Let's look at the relics more carefully from next posting

Thank you for reading.

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