The Small Village of Nonsan city and The Sacrificed in Korean War


I’d like to visit the biggest stone Buddha statue in Korea which is near my office.

I had planned to visit there for long time ago, but strangely enough it was not easy to visit a nearby place.
I think you would have experienced same case of me.

It was one and half years ago when I tried to visit the statue at first.

As entering into the small village of Nonsan city where the temple was, I could see a monument.

When getting closer to the monument, I acknowledged this monument for the sacrificed during the Korean War.

It was surprising for me that more than 1,000 people had been killed in this small village.

The names of the sacrificed were engraved on the back of the monument.

Next to the monument, there was a kind of eulogy for the

Before looking at this stone, I didn’t think this place was a battle field.
I saw a big stone and I could find the traces of gun fire.

Alas, someone would’ve been killed in this place.
Korea is small country.
But whenever I have travelled, there were no place which had no sad story.

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