Social Class , Burakumin

Their numbers is almost 3 million in Japan and people see them as the lowest layer of the society.

Burakumin is the largest minority group in Japan ,Eventhough there are no differences from other japanese as racial characteristics, even today, big discriminations are being made. The mass called buraku-min, which has a population of about 3 million people, was forcibly formed by the joint work of the Buddhist and Shinto temples in Heian period.

In Japoneses religion it was forbidden to slaughter animals alive , therefore they gave the job to burakus , slaughter job , fishing , graveyard watching were the jobs for these people. Basicly they were doing every job which japonese citizens doesn't want to do.

In the nara period, the Japanese farmers, were getting extremely poor and , Baraku's have been shown as a separate race, saying that they have worse worse than you, and all the relations such as marrying with them and shopping with them have been cut off and isolated.

Even today people tend to avoid marrying with a Baraku's , if the employer notices the job applicant is Buraku their chances of acceptance getting lower and lower and also it says in their Id that they are Buraku's

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