It is quite amazing to me that even now there are people who still think that Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy. In this post I will provide pretty damning evidence to demonstrate that JFK was killed by a co-operative of CIA agents, mafia hitmen and military operators.
I am not going to spend a lot of time here typing out the details as there are so many to type and many of them are best understood in the form of video and visual evidence. What follows are two of the most clear videos I have found that explain the apparent truth of what occurred.
1. Video testimony and confession of a well known CIA agent on his death bed (and shortly prior) - admitting to being involved with the plot to kill kennedy. He explains that the plot was largely run by LBJ.
1. A long documentary that exposes many details of the story of the JFK killing which are rarely exposed - including interviews with many people who were there.
Do you need more?
Are there still those here who refuse the evidence presented? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.