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《Shoplifters》-Good is instinct, love should be learned


Osamu, a down and out factory worker, and Shota, his son, stole from the store and picked up Yuri, who was ignored by his biological mother and was alone at home. Nobuyo, Zhi's wife, didn't want to adopt her. When she learned that she was abused by her parents, she changed her mind. Grandma Chuzhi and his wife and sister AKI didn't have any opinions about it either. Youli soon accepted that she was a member of the thief family, and her arrival catalysed the disintegration of the family. Inspired by news reports or telling stories around "family", after two films, shizhiyuhe returned to Cannes with a familiar formula.


It was not until Lili frank and Ando Sakura, who played the role of the thief couple, were put into prison that the secret of the temporary family was fully exposed. However, it is not hard to guess that the biggest obstacle in the story of the thief family is that the audience has long been able to alienate the prudent camera design and the indistinct relationship between the members from the front part of the film, and piece together the truth: grandma, parents, children, and every member of the family It's the abandoned son of the original family. In the new temporary family, each member is trying to play and believe that each other is the real relatives of the other. Stealing food from the shelves is the way for the family to survive. Stealing love and warmth from the patchwork home is the driving force for their survival. They regard meeting by chance as a life and death relationship.

We're building this In the "thief family", Shi zhiyuhe was calm and restrained. He quickly showed the audience clearly that the family was based on the spirit of the contract of "mutual benefit". The couple adopted the abandoned baby out of the compensation of having no children, while supporting the grandmother was coveting her retirement payment. Yaji's attachment to the family, especially the grandmother, was due to the resentment against her biological father, and the grandmother surrounded all the families People are worried that they will die alone. Everyone has a precise calculation of their own efforts. This kind of rationality and indifference reaches a climax on the death of "grandma": the family watches her die, calmly buries her, and then takes out her legacy. For this marginalized family, life must move forward steadily according to the most selfish rules.

It is also because of this calculation that every time the family members show their true feelings beyond peer-to-peer exchange, it makes people feel even more sad: when they naturally show their love for "brother" Xiangtai among friends who are treated coldly by their original parents, the "mother" representative sighs: people from (abandoned) families like us should not love others. In fact, the lack of love is the desire to cherish love, Xindai out of maternal instinct, every major decision has made a respectful decision; father Zhi in the police station was asked "why do you want to teach children to steal things", but replied: "I only know these". What he did not think of is that he taught Xiangtai instant noodles and cola cake to eat, keenly aware of and resolve his youth The sexual trouble in spring is much more important.

As an expert in the world, shizhiyuhe still has accurate calculation and meticulous weaving in the thief family. After the first 70 minutes of careless presentation, he has been detonating continuously since the couple's arrest. The director is crazy and tearful, but also hard hearted. It is Yuhe Zhizhi who built the "thief family" and "destroyed" the family. He "cherishes" the fragile true feelings of these people, but does not intend to fall into the vulgar sigh of "no one is easy". Through the awakening of his son Xiangtai and the confession of his mother Xindai, he firmly expressed his creative attitude. Love based on false relationship is not the end result of individual happiness, and the dereliction of social supervision should not be ignored.


Just as Yuchi and himself said at the press conference, "the thief family" is not to explore the family, but to present the social problems of Japan through the family. It is easy to remind people of his first work "nobody knows" which won the honor in Cannes. In addition to the setting of abandoning a child in a friend's home, grandma's peaceful death is similar to no one knows. In the thief's family, there are many previous scenes. The discussion of the relationship between father and son reminds people of "like father as son". When a family comes back from the seaside and under the same roof, there are similar scenes in "Diary of Haijie" and "walking without stopping". Only this time, people listen to them When the fireworks rang out, Qi Qi looked out of the window. There was only the sound of guns, but no fireworks. The best time for a whole family is here.

Shizhiyuhe once said that the death of his parents made him reexamine his family, which also changed the focus of his creation. Over the past ten years, Shi zhiyuhe's works have become softer and softer. From walking, father like son to diary of Haijie and deeper than the sea, each one is sweeter and softer. From the perspective of completion, his works are naturally very good. From the perspective of depth of theme and wide field of vision, it's really a step back. Cannes's degradation and refusal to some extent also show his appreciation of his works The hesitation of value society.

After an attempt to expand the theme of the third time suspect, the thief family returns to the field of mastery. It is full of all skills like a hook. More importantly, it restores the attitude of examination: the family is no longer just a place for personal feelings to whisper, but also a cell mode to observe the social ecology. It is not only sensitive to capture the good of individual human nature, but also calm to examine the evil of society. It is warm and cold, trivial and concise. The delicate balance is what the thief family should cherish most. The last scene of the film is to go back to the friends around the biological mother and the balcony where they were picked up at the beginning, singing the songs learned in the thief's family. The blend of warmth and sadness completes the final hit of the film.

As a fan of Shizhi, he is not only elated by the efficiency of his films every year, but also worried that the high production will dilute the quality of his works. But the last thing he wants is to see his hormones go away all the way and become a middle-aged man with self pity and kindness. Fortunately, when we came to the thief family, it was sensational on the surface and restrained on the inside. It was not only sentimental but also powerful. It was still warm, but he didn't regard love as the paste to smooth everything. He praised the value of love and also pointed out the direction of love. Compared with the father who was looking for lottery tickets on a rainy night in deeper than the sea, this young Xiangtai was more lovely.

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