Decency: In the Personality

In a particular town, there lived a man named Fola. He was very wealthy and well known. He was never found wanting in terms of the law of the society. He always paid his taxes on time, he never broke any of the rules of his society and he did whatever was morally right or acceptable in the eyes of the higher power. He was considered a decent man.

But those who lived around Fola and knew him well, knew that he had no atom of decency in him. He always knew how to hide his indecent acts well. Fola was not a kind man. He was not a good man. He always turned away beggars or orphans who came to his door. Sometimes, he turned them away with scorn and insults. He never helped the helpless or had compassion for those who couldn't help themselves so he was not liked by many.

Now, in that same town, there lived another man named Efe. He wasn't poor neither was he wealthy. He was an middle class man who earned enough to take care of himself and his needs and still had enough change to spare. Efe was also never found wanting in the society because he always abided by the rules and regulations of the society. But while doing that, he also put people's needs in consideration. He helped people who needed help and he did that out of the goodness of his heart. He took in orphans from the streets and fed them when he could. He also bought new clothes for them and helped them find jobs so they could earn enough pay instead of begging. This made people love him as he was a good man.

On a fateful day, the local chairman of their town had died and the people of the town needed a new chairman. A ballot was casted and Fola and Efe were chosen to contest for the post of chairman. Fola was sure he would win as he had a lot of money and he thought he could bribe his way to the top. Efe knew Fola was a large opponent, so he never thought he would win.

Fola and Efe started campaigning. Fola shared his wealth around. He bribed some of the people of the community and implored them to vote for him. Some turned his bribed away saying they would vote for what their heart's conscience chose. Efe didn't have any wealth to share but he had his acts and works to speak for him. So, he campaigned honestly.

Now, the people of the town had a differemt plan in mind. They had a test set for Fola and Efe to determine who was going to be the next chairman. And whoever passed, won the post.

Fola was driving out of his house one day when he saw a beggar rummaging through his bin. He came down from his car and rushed over to the beggar. He dragged the beggar back and yelled at him, calling him a thief and a scum.

"Sir, I was just looking for food to eat. I'm very hungry." The beggar pleaded.

"You are just a thief. Now, get out of this area before I set my dogs on you. Don't let me see you here again." Fola shouted. The beggar slunk away and Fola went on his way.

The same beggar went to Efe's house. He started rummaging through Efe's dirt bin. Efe was on his way back from the market when he saw the beggar. He rushed over to the beggar.

"Hey, why are you going through the dirt. Did you lose something?" Efe asked.

"Not at all, sir. I'm just really hungry."

"Ohh, okay. Come in then. I can cook up something for you." Efe took the beggar in and fed him as he had always done for all the beggars that had come to his door.

On the day before the final voting day, Efe and Fola were going to talk to the electoral manager on their intentions for the community. When Fola and Efe were sitted, they were surprised to see that it was the beggar that had been rummaging through their bin. What was more shocking was that it was the supposedly dead local chairman.

"Surprised, right? It was a test for both of you. I had to meet with my successors privately and test them. But I could not do that showing up as the local chairman, so I had to disguise as a beggar. I wanted to know who was worthy to be my successor between the both of you and I guess we already know who that is." The chairman said.

"Sir, it can't be. I have to be the one. I have the money, the wealth to develop the community." Fola protested.

"You don't have a shred of decency in you. I have always heard about how you have always scorned the helpless. Decency isn't always about obeying the rules and laws. It's not about paying taxes early. It's also about being decent from the heart outwards. Being compassionate and kind to your neighbors. And you are lacking in that. You are not decent enough, sadly. My successor will be announced to the people tomorrow. Congratulations, Efe. You have done well."

And that was how Efe came to be the local chairman of his town, all because of his sense of decency.

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