Tired😣: Keyword of The Week contest


~Dad's tired. Mum's tired. I am tired.
We weren't always this tired before. Or if we were tired, it was because we had exerted ourselves in performing our daily duties. But now, it's more like we are mentally exhausted. Like, the tiredness is coming from our souls. The economy of our country is failing and it's becoming harder to provide and survive. I watch Mum and Dad come home every night looking so exhausted, like they want to give up but they can't cause they've got us to provide and look out for.

I'm tired of not being able to do anything to help them. I want to provide also but it's like there's no avenue to do that or there's no much difference I can make with the little I earn. I want to make life easier and comfortable for them, but how do I that? I'm tired of feeling so helpless.

I'm tired of hiding in the shadows. I'm tired of living in the dark. I want to feel light and love from an exceptional someone but I know it can't be because there will always be boundaries I can't cross.

I'm tired of holding up a facade of strength. Sometimes, I just want to break down and weep and let someone else hold me and hug me and tell me everything's going to be alright. I'm tired of putting on a fake smile when sometimes, all I want to do Is cry.

I'm tired of searching and scrolling, doing mindless scrolling in my bid to earn. Sometimes, I just want life to be easier. I just want to see myself with a book in hand and snacks in the other hand, without a worry in mind.

I'm tired of being left with no guidance on platforms and having to make my own way myself. Sometimes, I wish someone would just reach out and ask.

I'm tired of being the first born and third parent. Sometimes, I just want an elder one to look up to, and who would watch out for me. I'm tired of the responsibilities but i know i can't give up because it's my role and i will perform it to the end regardless of how exhauseted I am.

I'm tired of trying to be an adult and having to be so mature when I am just a teenager. I'm tired of worrying. Sometimes, I just want to laugh and play so much and be excited.

I am filled with the hope though that at some point, life will get easier and that hope drives me on. Life will get easier, all tired souls. It will.

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