CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week" / TRANSIENCE

The transience of life is something you have no control over, and it can make or break your life in a moment. It could be inspiring or make someone rough and tough. As far as I am concerned, it keeps reminding me that nothing is permanent in life, not even my house, which I thought would last for another 100 years, but when the rainstorms and floods hit my area this rainy season, it got damaged like a matchbox.


Fleeting human life

why boast about this?

why ego and conceit?

Ego and conflicts of life.

vanishes within a moment


ends everything in moments

Celebration of good things ends,

When the storm hits,

the best houses get destroyed

Why boast about yourself?

You never know when is end of life,

and time left to spend on earth.

In fact, we see the changes in the seasons. I was using AC until last week, and now I have to use a blanket during the night. We can't predict when and how the growth and downfall will begin. We don't know when a bossy guy will change and behave differently. I have gone through all these situations, so I know all living things will vanish when the transience hits.

So try and just live with the fact that everything in life is worth it, and we should know the value of the present moment. In some cases, the transience of life brings happiness but be prepared as it could bring sadness and loss the very next moment. I have seen my close friends and relatives part ways unexpectedly. Some of them were gone in accidents, and some could not face the dreaded COVID-19. So be prepared to face the destruction of things and people dear to us, as the transience of life spares none.

However, I am not saying it can't be a source of inspiration and motivation. I have come to know a number of people who did it for me when I was distracted and hopeless, but that particular moment or person changed my life 180 degrees. So let me remind you to make the most of every moment and live our lives to the fullest. However, I suggest that all of us should never give up and must pursue our passions. We should take risks, but only to the point where we can afford them. I guess we could keep memories of those experiences in our lives.

I always feel I must learn to accept changes and embrace the opportunities that come with them. We must learn to appreciate the people who help during our thick and thin times because we could never face those moments without their support. We must remember them and cherish the time spent with them.

I know everything is subject to change, and when it changes, we have no control over it. You can see the transience of life in every moment of the passing of time. We should learn how to make good use of our time in the company of good people and make the best use of those particular moments, good or bad. We should appreciate the beauty of life while we can.

Recently, I almost lost my house in a natural calamity, which can happen to any of us at any time. That moment reminds me that I was ready to rejoin my job and earn money, but the transience of life made me stay and spend money from my savings. The transience of life is something that is not in our hands, so we can only face it at whatever moment. That's very much a part of my life.

beneficiary 10% @DreamSteem

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