Silent Suffering: The Plight of Voiceless Creatures

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Forced to labor day by day,
Beyond my strength, I cannot say,
Thirsty, weary, with no respite,
My voice was unheard, out of sight.

I long to run, to roam free,
With others of my kind like me,
But instead, I'm bound and tied,
My dreams and hopes are cast aside.

When will they see my heart beats true,
And feel the love I have for them too?
When will they hear my silent cries,
And see the world through my tearful eyes?

With every step I take in pain,
I wonder if they feel the same,
Would they like to be in my shoes,
Carrying loads and taking abuse?

I may not speak their language clearly,
But my eyes and heart show fear and tears,
I hope one day they'll understand,
And lend a caring, gentle hand.

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