The legacy of the Stream of Good and Evil

Once upon a time in the heart of kuvuki land, there lived a great explorer, Dr Donald, who is known for his great works and expeditions with his crew. Sometimes, they go in search of treasures, lost cities, animal fossils and lots of great adventures. Mr Donald had a beautiful wife and two lovely kids, a boy and a girl. He loved his family so much but was hardly around and didn’t pay attention to them due to the nature of his career. He had this wrong mindset that with money, expensive cars and jewelries, everything is settled with his family but he forgot that there are something’s money can’t buy.


His wife has always been complaining and his kids hardly knew him. During one of their heated arguments, the wife out of anger took the kids and left the house, heading to her sister’s house to spend some days there till she cools off. On her way, driving over there, she was searching for her phone in her hand bag to call her sister that she’s coming over. She couldn’t find her phone. She had to turn her bag upside down, so everything inside it will come out. The phone fell out of the bag and landed on the car floor and as she bent down to pick the phone, the lack of concentration on the road at that brief moment made her swerve her car unknowingly to the wrong lane of the highway and she was hit by an oncoming truck. She loosed her life and one of the kid died. The daughter was rushed to the hospital by paramedics but she was in a coma for two years. Dr Donald hated himself and prayed to God to show him mercy by sparing his only child’s life. His prayers was answered.

He loved his daughter so much because she reminded him of his late wife. The lost of his wife and son made him stopped his job because he wanted to spend more time with his daughter. He had to pick up a job in the university as an archaeological lecturer. He refused to remarry and single-handedly took care of his daughter. His daughter grew up to be a beautiful lady and the bond she and her dad shared was unbreakable. But as life could have it, she became so sick. She’d a degenerative disease that she inherited from her mother. Her health was deteriorating and Dr Donald couldn’t fold his hands and watch his daughter die. He had to do something.


During one of his expeditions in the past , him and his crew members had come across a small group of people in a village inside a dense forest, hidden from the world. This villagers are the guardians to a mystical stream that had the power to save life. Dr Donald had tried to take some of the water for research but they were met with fierce resistance by the guardians of the stream. One of them even loosed their lives. This time Dr Donald was determined to go on this expedition with armed mercenaries and his crew members. He had to get that water for his daughter at any cost. He invaded the villagers and they killed all the guardians, they were no match for them. He finally got what he came for.

Image: @bambuka

He left for the hospital to see his daughter and gave her some of the “mystic water”. Few days later, no improvement on her health. He wept for days for his daughter because he had given up. As weeks went by, he started noticing some differences. Her fingers and eyes has started moving. Each passing day, there was improvement in her health. Even the doctors couldn’t explain and said it was a miracle. In matters of months, she was as strong as a horse. He thought, he was going to live a “happily ever after “ with his daughter, little did he know that he was very wrong.

A year later, his daughter started having weird dreams. She was always seeing herself around a stream playing with some strange beings. As usual, it was just a normal dream but it kept reoccurring and this time it was more intense. She couldn’t tell anybody. She has started acting weird around the family and always fighting with her classmates or in detention. Sometimes, she’s fine but at night, the voices in her head kept calling her to that mystical stream and making her hurt herself with her fingers. In order to hide the injuries, she wore long sleeves shirts. During breakfast, the dad noticed the injuries in her hand but when he asked her what happened, she said nothing, that it was just a scratch. Soon, she was been possessed by the river goddess and she was uncontrollable.


She could control things with her mind without touching it. She goes to the horse stable, were no one will see her to practice her new powers and the more she kept practicing it, the more she looses her mind in the process to the demon. Unfortunately, during one of her practice sessions, The dad came to the barn to tend to his horses, unknown to her and met the scene. He was terrified by what his daughter could do and tried to escape, but she pinned him with a garden fork and killed him. Driven by the stream goddess and her newfound powers, she vanished to the mystical stream to become the new guardian, forever bound to its enchanting but evil waters. The legacy of the Stream of Good and Evil continued, but with a far scary twist!!!

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