Twisted Bonds: A Tale of Betrayal, Revenge, and the Devil's Pact"

Four friends Nicky, Richard , Dennis and Mimi are close pals who grew in the same neighborhood and also went to the same school. As kids back then, they were inseparable because no one could do without each other. The four children were able to make their parents friends with one another. As years went by, their bond kept growing stronger. Dennis was the cutest among them all but also a menace. His dad happened to be the current mayor, so money was not the problem and he could get any girl he desires with his charms and smile but he couldn’t get Mimi. The more he tried to win Mimi’s love and attention, the harder it gets. Mimi just saw him like a brother. Unfortunately, it wasn’t so for Richard. She had always love him since high school because of how smart and talented he was. He was her perfect gentleman. They had been dating secretly without their parents knowing what was happening but guess who spilled the beans, Nicky. Nicky is a smooth talker and friends to everyone but he was more closer to Dennis. He gained popularity in school because of how he was able to convinced a teacher to sleep with him.


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Dennis and Nicky were famous in college but Mimi and Richard loved the quiet life. After school all four friends do hang out at a cafe to talk about their escapades. It got to a point when Dennis stopped coming out for their hangout because he gets jealous each time he sees his friends making out and kissing each other in front of him. Richard knew about Dennis disturbing his girlfriend because she told him. So, he just wanted to mark his boundaries and to tell Dennis to stay away!!

Nicky was always bothered about his close pal been lost and paying less attention in class because of Mimi. So, he decided to help him but in a mischievous way. After classes, Nicky gave Dennis a perfect idea on how to get Mimi. He told him about a camp fire party that will be done in the woods among college students. That he should use that as an advantage to win Mimi’s heart. No disturbance this time around.

Nicky knew, Mimi won’t want to go alone to the camp fire party without her boyfriend, so he device a perfect plan. While he will be with Mimi at her parents house trying to convince her to come for the party, he told Dennis to go to Richard’s house with a sleeping portion. He should make sure to put only two drops in his drink and more than 2 drops might kill him. The reason Nicky needed Dennis sleeping is because in case Mimi tries to reach him on phone so they could go for the party together, he will be unavailable at the moment to pick her call, forcing her to go alone with Dennis.


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It was a day to the party and their planned had kicked off. Nicky went to Mimi’s house while Dennis went to Richard house with some couple of beers to invite him over for the camp party. Which off course, they know he won’t come and if he doesn’t come, Mimi chances of coming is slim. So, while they were drinking, Richard excused himself to use the bathroom. Dennis saw that as an opportunity to add in the “sleeping portion” in the drink but intentionally added more than 2 drops. He needed Dennis out of the way for good. Unknown to Richard, he drank his remaining beer went into sleep of no return. He died.

Dennis now gave Nicky the go ahead to see Mimi that his mission has been accomplished. Nicky didn’t take much time to convince Mimi to dance to his tune. Just as they have predicted, Mimi called Richard to find out if he was going but it was ringing but there was no response. So, she dropped a voicemail for him. She decided to go out with the guys , after all, “what’s the worst, that could happen, she has her pals here who always have her back”.



The party was set and they went to the woods. Mimi asked the guys if they have heard from Richard? But they said “no”. That alone started giving her concern. She couldn’t concentrate at camp fire party. Nicky left Dennis and Mimi together and went back to the house. Dennis as usual, tried his luck to see if he could woo her but it fell on deaf ears. So, the left over of the sleeping portion, he poured 2 drops of it into Mimi’s drink. Mimi became dizzy and slept off. Dennis raped her only to find out she was a virgin. It means even Richard haven’t done anything with her. Well, the did has been done, no going back again. He left her in the woods and went back home. “SHE DID NOT EXPECT THIS”

Nicky unaware of what has transpired behind him called Dennis to ask him, how it went with Mimi. Dennis told him it went very well and skipped the part that he rapped her and kill their friend, Richard! Is been a week now, Nicky haven’t heard from his other friends, Mimi and Richard. He decided to go visit them to know why they haven’t been coming to school. He got to Richard house and found police there. He was shocked to see his friends dead body!

He called Dennis to find out what happened to Richard but a police officer picked his call and told him to come to the station. As soon as Nicky rushed to the station to know why his friend has been arrested, he saw Mimi crying and was been consoled by her parents in the station. Before he would realize what was happening, he was on cuffs for accomplice to rape. Nicky was confused and couldn’t make sense of what was happening. He was thrown into the cell where he met Dennis. Nicky had lots of unanswered questions.


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Dennis confessed his crimes to Nicky but blackmailed Nicky that if he exposed him, he will go down with him, after all, he was the one who gave him the sleeping portion but they both have the chances of leaving there free men. That his dad is the mayor of the city, so he can pull some few strings. This time nicky could not smooth talk his way out of this. Right there in the station, report came in that Richard his dead. Mimi weeped uncontrollably when she saw his body been wheeled to the station for autopsy reports.

Mimi was called for questioning because her call was the last one on his phone. Mimi pointed accusing fingers to Nicky and Dennis. Mimi followed up Richards case and found out the same substance they used in killing Richard was the same substance they found in her blood, the day she was raped. Mimi was happy that they’ve now found evidence and the boys will now pay for their sins.

A week had passed and Mimi saw both of them in school free like a bird. Mimi went to the station to find out why the boys are walking around free. The inspector in charge said the case has been closed down and their was not enough evidence to charge them to court. Mimi knew this had the handwork of the mayor all over and she was powerless to do anything. She kept crying for days and refused to eat. Her father was hurt each day he saw his only daughter’s condition, deteriorating.

Mimi’s father won’t let this injustice go unpunished easily and asked if he’s daughter is willing to do anything to get her revenge. She said “yes”. Mimi’s dad was the head of an occultic group and the protector of the “book of shadows”. They traveled to a local village and it took them 2 days to reach there. They climbed up a high mountain to see an abandoned building. The house haven’t been visited for years and was filled with cobwebs. That’s the place people who has given up on the law go there to seek justice. Mimi and her dad saw the “books of shadows” and recited the incantation and made it more potent by sealing it with their own blood. Mimi ordered the book of shadows to wipe out Nicky and Richard including their entire family for what they have done to her and her boyfriend. That day, she made a deal with the devil!


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When they were done, they went back to their house to live there normal lives. Mimi stopped going to school for a while and started attending therapy sessions because she wasn’t quite herself after the rape incidents!! A month later, Mimi’s mum came home with a terrifying news that the mayor’s wife had jumped down from their penthouse and committed suicide !!

Mimi on hearing the news, had that devilish smiled, sipped her cup of coffee and said to her herself, “this is just the beginning”



Watch out for part two:

  • To know what happened to Nicky and Dennis
  • The consequences of making a deal with the devil
  • The end result of the rape
  • What happened to the corrupt police and judges who ruined the case!!

All this and more!!

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