The Confession

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The situation was getting worse! They were about 300 nautical miles away from the shore. The storm was increasing every minute, and their steamship's engines had stopped working. So the two engineers attending the engine room panicked, and both of them made a plan. They both took the only lifeboat and left the steamship, trying to find help on their own without informing anyone!

Oh no, not even the captain of the ship! Maybe he would have stopped them or at least kept a vigil on them. However, after two days of continuous sailing, they regretted their decision to leave the steamship. They wanted to help the team, but they were in trouble themselves.

As the storm was getting intense and their boat was tossing almost uncontrollably. Then suddenly it dawned on one of them, "Oh, I have one of those three doves in the boat."

He immediately took out his diary from his pocket and wrote a message. He knew this artificial budgie that their captain had kept for this special purpose would probably reach the steamship. They were a little more hopeful now. So one of them started writing a message on the paper. Finally, he finished writing it and read it for the last time before sending it through their artificial dove.


My Side of the Story


The message said, "We're sorry. We left the ship in fear. We're alive but stranded. We've got the lifeboat. Our coordinates are roughly 25°03′N, 71°32′W. Please find us. Help the others first. Godspeed."

Having dispatched the dove with their desperate plea, the two engineers persisted in battling the raging storm in their tiny lifeboat, hoping against hope for a miracle. The storm showed them no mercy, but they were hell-bent on surviving and making up for their impulsive choice.

Back on the steamship, the captain discovered the engineers' vanishing act, along with the missing lifeboat. As the rest of the crew struggled to keep the ship afloat amid the relentless waves, their anxiety and fear turned into resentment towards the engineers who'd ditched them. Though their odds of survival seemed slim, they clung to hope.

As if by divine intervention, the dove found its way back to the steamship. Reading the message, the captain realized the engineers were still breathing and regretful. The crew's anger swiftly morphed into relief because rescuing their fellow shipmates was still possible. The problem here was that the steamship’s engine was still broken and they couldn’t search for their missing shipmates until it was fixed.



The captain told three crew members to go and check the engine and report back to him. After a while, the three crew members came out panting and started talking to the captain. The captain explained something to them and sent them back again.

“The engine is working, Captain, your trick worked,” suddenly a crew member came out shouting with joy. “You guys have done a great job. As soon as the storm subsides a bit, we’ll set out on the rescue mission,” the captain replied.

As the storm finally relented, the steamship reached the stranded engineers' approximate position. Surveying the horizon, they caught sight of the tiny lifeboat bobbing in the waves. The crew swiftly launched a daring rescue, successfully bringing the engineers back to safety.

The air was heavy with emotion as the engineers choked back tears, remorseful for their actions. The captain gathered the entire crew, letting them know he'd report the incident to the shipping company, including the engineers' heartfelt confession. He emphasized the significance of taking responsibility for their actions and growing from their mistakes.

On their way back, the weather took a turn for the worse. The captain alerted everyone to brace for whatever Mother Nature had in store. Amid the howling winds and waves crashing against the hull, the captain detected an odd noise coming from the engine room. He directed the engineers to investigate, and they found one of the engines malfunctioning. Despite their best efforts, it was too late. The engine exploded, sending metal fragments flying.



The crew desperately dodged the shrapnel, but not everyone was fast enough. One crew member was struck in the chest and crumpled to the deck, unconscious. His fellow crewmates rushed to his side, but it was evident that he needed medical help.

Faced with another difficult decision, the captain knew they couldn't dawdle, but couldn't abandon the injured crew member either. He radioed for assistance and explained their predicament. They were told to wait for a rescue team, which could take hours or even days.



Huddling together for warmth and support, the crew took turns keeping an eye out for any signs of rescue. The injured crew member's condition stabilized, but he required urgent medical attention. Overcome with guilt, the engineers pledged to set things right.

At last, after what felt like forever, a rescue helicopter emerged on the horizon. The crew sighed in relief and signalled for help. The helicopter hovered above, lowering a rescue team to the steamship.



The team swiftly assessed the situation and hoisted the injured crew member onto the helicopter. The rest of the crew felt relieved seeing him get the care he desperately needed. The rescue team informed the captain they'd tow the steamship to shore, but it would be a slow process.

As the steamship was towed to shore, the crew experienced a sense of accomplishment. They had conquered one challenge after another, emerging stronger as a result. The engineers offered one last apology to the captain, who forgave them and commended their courage in adversity.

Exhausted but thankful, the crew reached the shore and said their goodbyes, aware that they had forged an unbreakable bond. The engineers vowed to never let fear cloud their judgment again, while the captain pledged to always prioritize his crew's safety.

As they parted ways, they knew they'd never forget this harrowing experience and the invaluable lessons they had learned.

I would like to invite @cruzamilcar63, @leonciocast, @irawandedy, @patjewell, @paholags, @senehasa, and @simonnwigwe to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 02-May-2023 | Achievement 1
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