Crypto Academy week 4 season two - Homework Post For [@levycore]-Buying and selling of NFT's.

Hello everyone hope you all are fine and safe. Today i attend lecture by @levycore sir , in which i learn about buying and selling of nft's in nft market. Now i am going to submit my homework post for this lecture in which i will talk about buying and selling of nft's with screenshots and some more topics. So let's start:

First you should know what are Ntf's before buying or selling them. Nft's are called non fungible tokens. These token are unique assts and also ntfs can not be interexchange one another. They make themselves unique in crypto world. Ntfs are used by Daaps for allowing creation and ownership of these assets. They can be trade on open markets in which buyer and seller come to each other and done trade. In this year nft's make craze in crypto world as lot of buyer or traders make focus on these assets that is why we see a huge really in these tokens. But in my opinion we see huge manipulation in these tokens.

select the NFT market that you want to try to buy and sell nft's and why you choose this market?

There are two ways through which we can buy NFT's one is through the application and other one is through an open market place such as opensea. I choose first one through the application because it is vary easy to operate. I choose cryptokitties marketplace for NFT buying and selling. Why i choose this market place because i have personally used this marketplace before that is why i choose this. Also it attracts me alot and on this market you can buy and sell cat like assts seems to be real cats as i am pet loving person also. In this platforms users are able to buy bread and sell virtual cats. Also this platform gains lot of popularity.

How to buy NFT with screenshots?

1.First you need to make account on matamask as i am going to use matamask app for this marketplace. So how to make wallet on matamask

  • first click on create wallet option. As matamask didn't allow to share screenshot's while making account sorry for that.

  • Then set a strong password and write it on any paper.

  • Then you will get 12 didit seed phrase write that on peace of paper that confirm that and you have created wallet on matamask.

2.Click on botton at top of screen on left side.


3.When you will click on that there will appear many option , click on browser option that will lead you into dapps.

4.Then search in search bar that will take up in the main page.


5.Click on start option.


6.Connect your wallet and click on connect option. Your wallet has been conneced.


7.Then write your email adress and make a nickname and click on continue option.


8.Select the NFT you want to buy just like i am buying this one.


9.Then click on buy with Ethereum and conform transaction so its done.


How to sell NFT with screenshots?

1.First you need to login in cryptokitties same as above process.

2.Then click your profile like option. on My kitties option that will bring you in your kitties that you have buy.


4.Then click on that kitty you want to sell.

5.Then write the price at which you want to sell and click on confirm when your any buyer comes to buy your kitty your order will complete automatically as this market as P2p market.

Advantages and disadvantages of NFT market which i choose?

As i am not using thesd platforms a lot so i can't able speak too much about these advantages and disadvantages that much but i can talk about some basic.


1.The first advantage which i found is it is vary easy to use or operate. So a new trader or investers didn't face any problem.

2.It provides App tour before starting this site that teaches you all options so new user can't do any wrong thing that can lead them a loss.

3.This is P2P platform so that didn't need any third person for trading.

4.Lot of NFT's are present in the maeket place that gives user a big choices.

5.Also you can increase the value of your NFT by your own.


1.Only one type of NTF's are only present on this marketplace.

2.Sudden lake of popularity is big concern for this platform.

3.It takes good time for selling your NFT ,sometimes got unsold.

4.Also user have to pay a good fees for transaction.


I invite @levycore sir , check my homework task.

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