Comprehensive Summary Sheet | Steemit Crypto Academy | Week-1 to Week-5 (Season-3)





The objective of Steemit Crypto Academy is to foster crypto literacy, to induce practical intelligence of a wide variety of use-cases in the crypto domain, dedicated to the development of crypto-related education, yet at the same time, it creates an avenue to reason, to explore, and to find the right talents and to reward the effort being put by the participants.

The Crypto Academy Season 3 started on 21st June 2021 for Beginner[Fixed Courses] while the Dynamic Courses started on 28th June 2021. We have already spent 5 weeks in Dynamic Course Segment as of now. Please note that the Beginner[Fixed Course] segment does not have an expiry. It is always available for a participant should he/she meet the eligibility criteria.

The Steemit Crypto Academy(Season 3) is being supported by 15 professors in total. We have three different tiers as well: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Tier.

The Steemit Crypto Academy in partnership with 15 professors train & educate the students through various Homework Tasks. In response, the students learn new things each week and earn(upvote) and explore the practical side of the concept. Ultimately it is enabling the naive users to earn distinction in crypto specialties.

The guidelines and objectives set out by the Steemit Crypto Academy will underpin crypto literacy in Steem Blockchain in the long run and will prove to be a beacon of light particularly for the Newcomers and naive users.

Herewith we would like to present the various statistics, tangible data, analytics to easily acquaint you all with the overall state of Steemit Crypto Academy(Season 3).


Courses/Topics covered



Weekly sheet of total Entries (Season-3)

(1) Fixed Course[Beginner]

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There are a total of 6 different Tasks in Fixed Course[Beginner], it does not have an expiry. Anyone who has 125 SP, a reputation of 50, and has completed Newcomer Achievement Task-4 can participate in Fixed Course[Beginner].

(2) Dynamic Courses[Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced]


Dynamic courses run on a weekly basis and do have an expiry of 6 days(expire at 11:59 PM UTC, every Saturday). We have two tasks for Beginner[Dynamic], three tasks for Intermediate[Dynamic], and two tasks for Advanced[Dynamic] and one Task for the Chinese community every week.


The total number of entries in Season 3 stands at 3800[Fixed Course- 744 & Dynamic Course- 3056] up to Week-5.

The average figure per week for Fixed Course stands at 124/week, and the per day average figure for Fixed Course is 17.71/day.

The average figure per week for Dynamic Course stands at 611.2/week, and the per day average figure for Dynamic Course Course is 87.31/day.

In total the per day average entries including Fixed and Dynamic Course is 105.02 posts/day.

Please note that the participants get 6 days every week to submit their assignments in the Dynamic Course whereas the Fixed Course does not have an expiry.

Considering 8 professors to curate at any given time in the Fixed+Dynamic Course segment, the average per day curation rate per professor is 13.12 posts (approx).


Total nos of Unique authors in Crypto Academy up to Week-5/Season-3

(1) Fixed Course[Beginner]

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From Week-1 to Week-6 (Season 3), a total of 744 posts were published in 6 different tasks of Fixed Course[Beginner]. The number of unique authors over the last 6 weeks stands at 254.


(2) Dynamic Courses[Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced], Unique users and their consolidated scores










Open the image/table in a new tab to make it readable

Over the last 5 weeks(Week-1 to Week-5), a total of 3056 posts were published in Steemit Crypto Academy[Dynamic Course]. The number of unique authors over the last 5 weeks stands at 510. The individual scores and the consolidated scores until now(Week-5) have been organized and indicated in a tabulated format. There will be a separate reward for the king user(s) at the end of Season 3 (based on the Consolidated score).


Total nos of Winners/Unique Winners and their winning rate


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Please note that all the curated assignments receive upvotes from Steemcurator02. Further, each week, three are shortlisted as winning articles by each professor and they receive an additional upvote of 10% from Steemcurator01.

Frequency- How many times an author has won.
Total Entries- How many times an author has published/submitted his/her assignments in Steemit Crypto Academy

Winning Rate= (Frequency/Total Entries)x100


The sampling of the above data is based on the assessment by the respective professors assigned to run their course. In the last 5 weeks, a total of 105 winners were declared. Of this winning list, 64 are unique winners. Their frequencies and the winning rate has been indicated in the table.


Leaderboard-- Consolidated Score(Up to Week 5)

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This is a leaderboard that updates the individual scores and sums them up to calculate the Consolidated Score. Please note that based on the consolidated score, the king user(s) will be selected at the end of Season 3 and will be subsequently rewarded with Steemcurator01 votes.

Spammers/Plagiarists(Grey List/Black List)



This list is exclusively based on the data of Spam/Plagiarism cases in the entire history of Steemit Crypto Academy.

It has been a long-standing battle for us to fight the good fight against spam/plagiarism. However, with continuous vigilance, we have been able to curb spam/plagiarism of late.

In season 3, the number of spam/plagiarism cases has dropped significantly.

Until the end of week-5/Season 3(including Season 1 & 2), the total number of unique spammers/plagiarists stands at 206. We have categorized it into two types--

  • Black List
  • Grey List

Black List- The users who spam/plagiarize more than once feature in this list. Further, the user(s) who misuse community curator account to partake in Crypto Academy, the user(s) who run Multiple accounts to leech the reward pool also features in Blacklist.

Grey List- The users who spam/plagiarize only once(so far).

All such users have been advised to correct the course, return to the path of hard work, and are asked to complete Task-3 in Newcomers' Community to develop a better understanding of content etiquette.

Note- If you feature in the Black List, the professor will skip your post, they won't curate you in Steemit Crypto Academy.



We have collected all sorts of data from Week-1 to Week-5(Season 3) to prepare this report.

Steemit Crypto Academy is committed to spearheading efforts in crypto literacy in Steem Blockchain. It is equally committed to staffing, mentoring, training, recognition of talents & performance, and rewarding them based on PoB.

Thank you.



Cc:- @stream4u @imagen @yohan2on @yousafharoonkhan @abcallen @pelon53 @kouba01 @allbert @awesononso @remoniscence01 @asaj @cryptokraze @lenonmc21 @wahyunahrul


Unless otherwise stated, all the images, infographics, charts, tables, etc(if any) are my original works.


We have taken utmost care to provide correct & consistent data. However, if you find any glaring mistake, then please bring it to our notice, we will correct it & update the sheet accordingly.


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