This is based on a true story, following the life of a prominent user who's been busily scamming the Newcomers' Community and Crypto Academy for a while now.
He is... "The Professor"...
I don't know about you, but I'm finding this to be a real page turner so I'm going to quickly catch you up to where I am (Day 8) so that we can enjoy the story together.
Source + A Little Less Lazy Photoshopping Than Yesterday
Still No Activity on accounts 1-4. Exciting News for Accounts 5 and 6 below.
08:33 - Claim "New Account 7"
17:25 - Account 7: Subscribe to Newcomers' Community
17:51 - Account 7: Post Achievement 1
Exciting News:
- Account 5 is Verified ✔️
- Account 6 is Verified ✔️
Day 3 Rewards Earned: $4.91
Total Rewards: $5.13
This felt like a quiet day but it certainly wasn't (don't forget that this is just the story about the new accounts). Tomorrow's a day I've been very much looking forward to.