Hidden Treasures of the Kakhovsky Reservoir (continued)

In my post, I already wrote that the huge tragedy, which took away human lives and property, became a hotbed of archaeological discoveries. We are talking about the explosion of the Kakhov dam, as a result of which the gigantic Kakhov reservoir was destroyed. Hundreds of hectares of land, which was flooded and contains many ancient things, became available to scientists.

Earlier I already wrote about the first archaeological discoveries, so I will not repeat myself. Enough time has passed for scientists to find new interesting things. Let's stop at them.

Ancient period

One of the oldest finds is the remains of an ancient mammoth:



Also, one of the historians found the teeth of an unknown animal from the paleontological period. This find still remains unsolved and undated.

Findings from the Byzantine period are few, at least so far. However, they do occur, like this Byzantine amphora:



Another completely surviving amphora was carried by water into the sea and further to the Odessa coast, where it was found and handed over to the museum by a family of forced migrants from Kherson.



Cossack period

A large number of finds belong to the so-called Cossack period of Ukrainian history. Unfortunately, the history of Ukraine mainly consists of periods of continuous struggle and almost never prosperity. The Cossack period lasted from the 15th to the 18th century. The Cossack troops were originally organized for the defense of Kyivan Rus lands from the steppe hordes during the total offensive of the Eastern World and the Great Steppe. Subsequently, they actively fought against the Muscovite kingdom and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in order to liberate Ukrainian lands.

The territory that was flooded during the creation of the Kakhovsky Reservoir is located on historical lands where the Cossacks were active and where their administration was located from time to time. That is why archaeologists are now finding things from those times. Here, for example, are the weapons of the Cossacks, ancient muskets:





And this is the Cossack body cross:



There are also cannonballs carved from stone. They were made of a clearly defined diameter. This is a rather troublesome job.



Echoes of the great war

The largest number of finds dates back to the Second World War. Here you can find human remains, weapons, equipment and ammunition.


These findings are a testimony to the extent to which humans are a cruel species capable of self-destruction.



In order for you to understand how rich this area is in archaeological finds, I will provide a photo of the found and not yet classified items:




As always, it is not without problems. There are two of them. The first is constant hostilities, which greatly complicate the work of scientists. Some areas are completely closed for work. The second problem is black archaeologists, who rushed to loot ancient treasures en masse.

Despite everything, work continues and I am sure that soon we will be waiting for new interesting archaeological discoveries.


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