STEM Saturday Post Promotion #3

In the third Popular STEM weekly celebration of STEM Saturday on the Steem blockchain, I have promoted another post by @sarahjay1 to the top of the /promoted page.


Pixabay license, source

This week's promotion is for the post, Astronomers spotted a mysterious radio source coming from a spiral galaxy. In the post, @sarahjay1 tells us about a discovery from a recent paper , describing a newly observed radio signal that originated 60 million light years away.

Click through to read more about it and support the author.

In order to mark the 3rd consecutive STEM Saturday that our little community has topped the /promoted page, the promoted post can be seen here:


As in past promotions, the post was checked for plagiarism at three different online plagiarism detection websites.

If you would like to have your own STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) content considered for future promotions, please come join us and start contributing. I don't know how long I'll be continuing the tradition, but while I do, here are the minimum requirements for consideration (subject to change without notice ;-).

  1. Original, plagiarism-free content
  2. Minimum word count: currently 300 words, but this may be adjusted.
  3. The content must not be cross-posted on other web sites or blockchains. Correct use of the #steemexclusive tag is encouraged.
  4. English language. (sorry, it's the only one I know)

All community members are invited to create original and exclusive content that can be considered for future promotions.

Finally, before STEM Saturday was caturday, so here are some Pixabay kittens


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