The Diary Game || Date : 06 October, 2023 || A jumma mubarak day and some enjoyed


Hello Everyone I am @memamun
From #Bangladesh

how are you all I hope you are well, I am also well by the grace of God Alhamdulillah. Let's read about my day yesterday.

The Diary Game 06/10/2023

Today is Friday, the weekly Eid day for the Muslim nation. Friday It is a holy day for all Muslims. So I got up early in the morning, performed ablution, and sat at the place of prayer to worship God. I performed the Fajr prayer, then recited Surah Yasin and Surah Kahf. There are many virtues of reciting Surah Kahf on Friday more Recitation of Surah Kahf is one of the famous acts of worship on this day. After reading, I went to the balcony. It is still raining like yesterday. I photographed it with one click.

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The weather in the morning, which was charming, and the view was breathtaking

As today is Friday, there was no class. Didn't go outside to play because it was raining. So everyone slept. I was sleeping too. After a while I got up and had breakfast. Then I slept again. I woke up around 12 noon. Got up and took a shower, cleaned up. Today I cleaned my body better because today holy day I will clean up and go to the mosque. So I took a shower and came to the room. And decked myself out with perfume, cap, umbrella and watch.


A few valuables, to adorn yourself

With everything, I left the madrasa, walking out towards the mosque. Today, only mosque-facing people are seen on the streets. Because today is Friday. Almost everyone in the Muslim community goes to the mosque to pray on Fridays. After walking for about 10 minutes, I reached the mosque, then I saw the speech of the imam of the mosque giving I also went and sat in front. And listen attentively. Alhamdulillah


A scene of Imam Sahib delivering his sermon on the way to the mosque and after entering the mosque

After a while, the prayer started. We all prayed, after the prayer, everyone left the mosque, we also left. I went out and went straight to the market, because today is Friday, I want to have a little different food today, although Madrasah has good food today, still a little different. So we went to the market and went to the hotel I went, I went to the hotel, I bought fried fish, bitter gourd and fried potatoes, these two foods from the hotel.


Some food bought from restaurants and
pictures of restaurant food

IMG20231006141312.jpgthe lunch

Then we continued walking straight towards the Madrasa. I also donated some money to some poor people on the way. Because Muslims donate to the poor and needy on holy days. After a while I went to the madrasa. And came to Ana's room with only rice from madrasa. I came and had lunch with the bought food.

Then I finished eating and went to sleep. Spent some time on the Steemit platform. Then I slept. I woke up and saw that it was Maghrib time. So I got up and performed ablution somehow and performed the Maghrib prayer. I sat in the class after praying Maghrib. I recited the Quran. Then one of my students finished the Quran because of that I went to the office. And in front of everyone I recited everything memorized. Everyone was fed sweets to complete the Quran.



The principal of the madrasa, a parent of the student and the teaching staff were present here

After this program, I took my student to my class. And give him the direction of further studies. Then I finish the rest of the class work and perform Ishaar prayer. Pray and have dinner. Then went to my room to sleep. These were some moments of my day today. which is with you I shared Be well and be healthy. Allah is Hafez


Photographer details

Photography Device nameOppo A95
Photoshoot Date06/10/2023
Photoshoot locationBogura, Bangladesh
Photo click by@memamun


The End,

Thank you everyone


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