Hello, my friends on Steem
This is my answer to the task of the Photo contest (results + new edition) 20 STEEM by Steem-Traveler.
10% of the publication rewards from this post go to the development of the Steem-Traveler.
This is Russia. We can say that the very heartland of Russia. There's nowhere deeper.
A small village, only a few houses away.
The road to this village is good only in winter, when the road freezes well. But if it snows, it can be very difficult to get here.
In summer, you can only drive to this place by car with a four-wheel drive. Or on a tractor.
This is not a farm that belongs to a farmer. In Russia, farmers are very rare. All agriculture is based on collective farms. Of course, now they are called differently, but the essence remains the same.
I will say more - in Russia, the land is divided into several categories according to its use: for housing construction in cities, for the construction of "personal subsidiary farm" - houses in the village, agricultural land, industrial land.
It is forbidden to build houses for living on agricultural land. That is, if you own land and plant rye, wheat, corn, or other agricultural plants on it, then you cannot build a house here. To do this, you must live in a specific locality - a village, a town, a city.
This is big trouble. This is a legacy of the Soviet past.
Maybe after some time, real strong peasant farms will appear in Russia again. But so far, many fields are overgrown with trees and stand empty without doing anything.
Thanks for attention.