Esta foto resume un día de excursión por las escarpadas costas del norte de la isla de Ibiza. En la parada para reponer fuerzas, esta señorita gaviota se acercó a nosotros en repetidas ocasiones con la clara intención de que la invitáramos a algo de comida, en una de las pasadas logré capturar con una cierta nitidez las facciones de la visitante hambrienta.
This photo summarises a day's outing along the rugged coasts of the north of the island of Ibiza. At the recovery stop, this lady seagull approached us repeatedly with the clear intention of being invited for a bite to eat, and on one of the passes I managed to capture the hungry visitor's features with a certain amount of clarity.
All the images I publish are made by me.
DO NOT USE this image without my written permission.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.
Camera: Fuji XT-2
Lens: Fujinon 18-55mm f:2.8-4
Processed with Capture One
I invite to take part of the contest to @silviadiez and @ibizaki
In the event of a prize winning entry, the 10% goes to the @steem-travelers community.