Hot contest #01 | My assessment of Steemit Engagement Challenge

Hi there 👋

It is my pleasure to participate in this wonderful contest, where opportunity is given to user to share their thoughts and feelings about steemit engagement challenge season 14. My special thanks goes to all Admin and Mods of this community for thier best efforts and hard work,l appreciate @fantvwiki for organizing this contests.


But before l proceed to the answering the basic guideline questions,l would love @solaymann,@ubongudofot and @waterjoe to join this contests and share their opinion on this topic.

What do you think of Steemit's 14-season Engagement challenge?

Steemit engagement challenge season 14 is one of the wonderful initiative on steemit platform that encourages users to engage meaningful in the platform.Knowing that it is a challenge that help user to explore and explain deeply about a particular theme given and there by creating high quality content that is useful to author and reader.

The engagement challenge makes it a must for steemians to read other users post and give a valuable comment, thereby strengthening relationship between the both. I also think that the goal of this engagement challenge is to create more active user and helping newbies to grow in the platform.

It is a great opportunity to create high quality content, plagiarism free post, use burnstem hag tag,got notice by steemit curators, possibly gain big vote and prom our reputation in the platform.

Ernestly l value this challenge because l do read so many educational and informative post from different language of different tribes and nations. l don't think it would be possible to connect with other know more about without this engagement challenge.Kudos to steemit team for giving us this vibes.

Is this Steemit engagement challenge getting more interesting or boring? explain your opinion.

To be very honest,l really enjoyed this engagement challenge season 14 ,it is getting interesting day by day and week by week,because all the topic given are simple, something were are familiar with, or Our daily life experience and things happening around us.

You can reflect your mind on the season 14 week 1 engagement challenge topic,all of them was very unique and creative.
There is no human on Earth who doesn't hear about children neglect in family, talking about popularity every one wants to be popular and to travel and spent best time with their family members and moment of celebration remind us of good plans against this year and to unite with long seen family members and love ones.

To those user who feels it is a boring game,lt boil down on your thinking but for the engagement challenge season 14 to be interesting than boring,is for user to sit tight create high quality content, make our post eye-catching, comment other authors post,try to understand the theme follow all the rules and regulations that gorven the challenge, with all these, I can say support will comes from the curators.

Even though when all is done but no to avail, no vote,l use to console myself, remembering what l was told when l Join the platform that upvote is not garrantee but hard-work, consistentcy and patience pays.

Does the chosen community provide the best as the chosen community? such as ratings and the determination of the best participants weekly. Explain your opinion

Yes,l rate them 98% over 💯. All the chosen communities prove to be best community in all ramifications.Most of those communities really tried thier best be it a new or old in existence. I always appreciate the efforts of all MODs and team curators for taking time to go through different post and rating them according to author capability of applying all the set rules and regulations.

I have not experience bad rating from them nor post in any chosen community without being verify before checking on winners, this really not easy. Remember in one time contest, we do have at most 150plus participate and at least 100plus and only three people are to be chosen as winners.l believe it is not always easy for them to select winners.
I appreciate the steemit curators team who work tirelessly in different communities just support at least 60% of people who create high quality content.


Any suggestions from you about a new program that is much better than the Steemit Engagement Challenge contest, which can engage as many users as it currently does

As the day passes by some ideas are coming up, as such with time maybe there will be a new suggestions that not replace engagement challenge but join this ideas to a greater heights.

Currently,we are acquainted with the steemit engagement challenge,we have gone far to drop it down not to fold it up.My statement means that l enjoy this steemit engagement challenge season 14 so as such, l don't have a new suggestions for it replacement.

Give helpful polite criticism.

Steemit platform is large family, consisting of so many active member who provide high quality content. My suggestion is that winners should be increased. lmagine participants of 120 plus in one post and only three is selected as winners.
It can never be easy instead it will be a good deal for steemit team to increase it to ten.

Voting on merit not for acquaintance.I notice that people who work hard in steemit for many years are frequently rewarding while the newbies and average steemians are not, which at times may bring discouragement.

High quality content post,Plagiarism free post, burnstem 25 beneficiary post should not be paid out zero for encouragement. At least a consist user should receive vote from steem curator 01 or 02 even if it should be once in a is always discouraging when user burn data and received nothing at all.

Thanks so much for the spending your precious time on my article,much blessings to you all.

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