The Interview Showcase #4 - A talk With Great Developers

Note: 15% of Rewards to support Charity @worldsmile accounts


It’s a new Month and another Week for another interesting Edition of The Interview Showcase.

This is the Fourth edition of “The interview Showcase”.

A weekly interview of top Users in the blog Concerning Some Super trending topics in the Steemit Platform.

Guess what guys? I take time to look at Some of the Most Important/trending topics in the blog and I have a Chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics accross the globe.

We dig out Everything for your own consumption.

This week is Super interesting, because i got in Contact With Some of the top developers in the blog who have dedicated thier time and Resources in other to create Some interesting tools which can be of great assistance to all Users.

I also give attention to one of the Outstanding User who have also devoted his time to Provide Some Useful tips to Steemians on how to do better in the blog. I call them, Great Users Working behind the Scene.

What is actually involve in Creating this tools? , How effective Can they be?, How can We Appreciate this ones?

Well, guys, seat tight and enjoy the Show as I invite these ones From Various Countries around the globe to share their Opinion on each of thier tool developement.

Our First Guess today is @the-gorilla.

The-gorilla is From the Sunshine Coast (Eastbourne) England. He is One of the top Developer in the blog who has proven his Hardworking Skills and has help alot in the Steemit growth. He is One of the top Moderator in the World of Xpilar and Also the Admin in WOX Sport Community Which is built upon the values of WORLD OF XPILAR of creativity, engagement and team work. He fight for what is right and he is a lover of Sports.

Please ladies and gentlement let's Welcome the-gorrila to the Show.


: You are one of the top developers in the blog who has developed one useful tool which has been popularly used by many users to check for club status, What inspired you to start developing this tool for the community or entire Steemit Users?

🔷 The - Gorilla: The tools that existed were over-simplified and didn't represent a true picture of what users were doing with their STEEM. It was easy to use "coding loopholes" to appear to be in club100 when you were withdrawing all of your power. Or simply not powering up. The pie chart just gives you more information which still requires interpretation but adds more transparency to what people are doing.

: How has the Community Responded to this new tool in terms of Usage?

🔷 The - Gorilla: It was mixed. People liked the simplicity of "power up vs. withdrawals" and my tool complicated things. Some users had 1,000s SP in the market. Some were powering up 50 STEEM to appear in club100, knowing that they had 400 liquid STEEM which they could withdraw. To me, this wasn't in the spirit of why clubs were created.

: I am installing solar in my Country presently, Sponsored by the steemit team, worldsmile , and great donors, I discovered that many folks tends to rely on it too..., may I know please , Do you have solar PV in your place, do you think going for Such is the best?

🔷 The - Gorilla: I've got solar panels. Yes - solar panels are great.

: This name...the gorrila and the picture, do you mine telling us the story behind it?

🔷 The - Gorilla: the-gorilla goes back a long way. Back to my 1st email address at hotmail in the late 90's. I had a soft toy gorilla that has many memories so it became my online name. The profile picture is one of the SteemPunks that @tomoyan kindly gave to me. I don't think he likes gorillas as much as I do..

: What do you think about the The Interview showCase , do you think it's a program that can contribute to steemit growth?

🔷 The - Gorilla: I like your interview show and it's a fun addition to the platform.

After some good time interview the-gorrila, we had a long talk , it became bored at a point, and so he started interviewing me,it was funny but interesting. Enjoy it below.

The Gorilla
: If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

Ubongudofot: THE GORRILA

The Gorilla
: You've got to give a reason why...

Ubongudofot : Because of its intimidating face. It's hugeness and it's powerful.

The Gorilla
: Gorillas are very kind and nurturing animals.

Ubongudofot: Oh My... what do I know ...?

You know, I think I should do a research on gorrilla and maybe I will make a post about it....I could learn more about it in this process.

I haven't seen one before live, but I've seen monkey, baboon and even lion.

The Gorilla
: Ok, another question... if you could take 1 thing to a deserted island, what would you take?

Ubongudofot: Water.

The Gorilla
: Good answer. I'd take a fully stocked and fully staffed cruise ship.

Ubongudofot: why?

The Gorilla
: So that I could sleep in a comfy bed, eat tasty food and leave the deserted island if I wanted to. I'd also have people to talk to and might even have the internet.

Ubongudofot: Oh my goodness, this answer is much more better than mine, I think mine could be bored...., living with only water

The Gorilla
: Your water would probably run out at some point.

The Gorilla
: Which would you prefer to have as your roommate? A goat or a bird?

Ubongudofot: I'll prefer a bird

The Gorilla
: What's your reason?

Ubongudofot: I love beautiful things, bird is one of them and they are quite apart from in the morning hours which I know they sing.

Birds can also help alert me on each top of the hours.....they are good time keepers.

The Gorilla
: The birds outside our house start singing at 4:30am. I find this annoying.

Ubongudofot:, that can be so annoying, but I guess they are just announcing the dawn I guess.

The Gorilla
: Yes. A goat wouldn't do that. They're too lazy .

Ubongudofot: Exactly...and that's why I didn't choose them.

But I would love to reare a goat though.....I may go into Animal farming soon if I have enough capital.

We ended the discussion because the gorrila battery was down.

And Our Next guest today is @moecki all the way from Germany. Moecki is another great developer in the blog , a Moderator in Deutsch Unplugged Community, a great Contributor and Supporter of Great and quality Contents.

: You are one of the top developers in the blog who has developed one useful tool which has been popularly used by many users most especially Deutsch Unplugged Community, please Could you tell us about it?

🔶 Moecki: Hello Ubongudofot! I am really honoured that you chose me for your interview. Do you actually know that I had already done an interview with myself for fun. 🙂 (@moecki/the-daily-steemit-the-scrabble-interview) On topic: I wouldn't call myself a top developer. I enjoy programming and find many opportunities to do so on the blockchain.

The tool you mentioned is a website that in its current version displays the posts of a community in an overview. In addition, statistics and the tags that were set in the community appear. The statistics show the 5 most active users for posts and comments. The posts can currently be filtered by tags.

The post list differs from the one on Steemit in that only the most important information is displayed. For example, the interaction between author and readers is essential for us and not the payout. Therefore, the number of replies and the time since the last reply are displayed. There is also a link to the-gorilla's tool, which can be used to check the club status and much more.

Your readers are welcome to try it out for their community. It not only works in Deutsch Unplugged.🙂.

: What inspired you to start developing this tool for the community or entire Steemit Users?

🔶 Moecki: In the beginning, it was about having a possibility to categorise the articles that appeared in the community and to be able to find them later. We had and still have the "big" goal of making Steemit attractive for professional writers as well.

This is also why @chriddi founded the community Deutsch Unplugged a year ago. Since text and content are important to us, the posts should not be lost between pure picture posts (which are not allowed in Deutsch Unplugged anyway).

For this purpose, an interface should be made with which the community's posts can be conveniently sorted or filtered by tags or users, for example. A few months ago the-gorilla had started with his new frontend. I liked his idea very much and thought to myself: It would be great for "our" community site as well.

Then I read and learned a lot. On Steemit for example from @steemchiller (I use his API to query the data) and steempytutorials (especially the Django tutorials). With the current version, I'm on my way. The goal is still a long way off.

: How has the Community's Responded to this new tool in terms of Usage?

🔶 Moecki: The feedback was very positive. I had posted the beginning about 4 months ago. At that time I only had a list of posts. In the meantime, a lot has been done in terms of graphics, although I am not a web designer. I have received suggestions from users, some of which I have already implemented and some of which I will still implement... or at least try to. I' m also happy to receive suggestions from your readers..

: What do you project for your new tool in the future?

🔶 Moecki: Oh, I could present a long list now... I already have a new version, which is not yet online, that allows filtering by tags not only in a community. For example, would show all posts with the tag # interview, which can then be filtered even further. I have already used this version "privately" for the activity in the SC05 team.

The next major goal will be a user portal page, with which every user can then access the posts of their communities or their feed posts... Who knows: maybe it will become an (almost) fully-fledged frontend one day.

: What do you think users can do to attract more prolific developers to create more useful tools in the blog?

🔶 Moecki: What users can do actually doesn't have much to do with developers, but rather with the platform itself.

The users have to focus on the content they produce by themselves and on the interaction with other authors. In my view, this could activate more users who are interested in the platform and also want to use new tools. And if there is a demand, there will also be an offer at some time.

There are already some developers and IT specialists on the platform. That's simply what the technology "blockchain" brings with it. For example, I would like to mention @remlaps, @michelangelo3, the-gorilla. Apart from the active witnesses.

: How do you Cope beign a developer and also beign an active steemian?

🔶 Moecki: Almost not at all. You know I have a family and that takes priority anyway. And I also have a job.
I use the time I have for Steemit to read and comment on other people's contributions. From time to time I write a post too. But that usually doesn't happen more than once a week. Rather less often.

I do programming when it's fun for me and I can concentrate on it. After all, it should work and be useful to the authors and contain as few issues as possible.

My Say?

Hello great Users, Welcome back from the interview Session, I hope we all learn from those great top Developers /Users, about their tools and how it Can be of help to Users.

We can try out Some of these tools as it is just around us. Appreciate them too for their Hardworks.

In the future, With the Permission of the different Users, I'll include either the audio of interviews or the videos, What do you think, please let me know your views in the Comment Section.

Do you think I am missing Something? please feel free to tell me, let's make this more better every day.

Share your Suggestions With me, I'll so much appreciate it, thanks.

Do you have a particular topic you will like me to feature? Is there a User you will like me to feature, Please Contact me, language is not a barrier and all would be handle Succesfully.

Each week will focus on different topics.

If you are interested in being one of our guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time Soon through my details :
discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Cantact Me

Please Note that Users/Guess Privacy or Confidentiality would be Considered First before Posting, thank you.

See You next Week for another interesting Show, don't Miss it !!!

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