The Interview Showcase #55 - Exclusive Talk With Scouts y sus Amigos Admin / Venezuelan blogger


Welcome to my show, it's The Interview Showcase!!!. with your host ubongudofot. This is the 55th Edition of “The Interview Showcase...." and my 25th show for 2023. Stay calm and follow along as I unveil this interesting edition of the Interview showcase.

In case you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of top users/users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users to understand the blockchain and correctly make use of it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

This week, I had a talk with @fjjrg from Venezuela who is also the Founder of "Scouts y sus Amigos". fjjrg is one of the oldest Steemians on the blog. Let's get to know him. By the way, during this Interview, @fjjrg's daughter Paula was our interpreter.

Fjjrg daughter Paula was our interpreter😊

: It's a pleasure to have you on my Interview Showcase Mr Fjjrg...please could you describe your typical day as a Steemian?

🔶Fjjrg: It is a pleasure for me to be on your talk show my friend. My day as a Steemian starts very early, I always wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 am, so I have enough time to check the community, and my account, prepare my posts, comment and support with votes the users that have recently posted..

: How do you pronounce your name or is it an abbreviation?

🔶Fjjrg: It is an abbreviation, the initials of my full name, which is Francisco José de Jesús Rodríguez González (@fjjrg).

: How would you describe your experience here at steemit?

🔶Fjjrg: Extraordinary, I have achieved in our platform a place where I can share my content without any fear or sorrow, especially in the part of poetry, I have shared a few of my poetic works. On the other hand, I have developed a love for narratives and stories, plus I have met many interesting people, prepared and with good activity. Finally, formidable support from the point of view of finances, since I have supplemented an additional income that has helped my family and friends a lot.

: What's your community all about?

🔶Fjjrg: The community "Scouts and their friends", is a "General" community, whose purpose is to help build a better world, we are based on the guidelines of the scout movement, fraternizing, sharing experiences, helping others, reaffirming values, teamwork, the value of appreciating, caring and respecting nature and animals.

The scouts have a promise and a law, which is like a code of life, and although we are very few active scouts on the platform, undoubtedly everyone has something of scouts, which has been proven in the various activities that we have developed in our community.

Finally, the idea is to promote Scouting, the brotherhood and that everyone knows the scout movement, that they know that anyone can be a scout, regardless of country, age, sex, or religion, it is a universal movement for everyone.
Likewise, it is not necessary to be a scout before one joins our community, this is the home of all, where everyone is welcome.

: There seem to be many communities in Venezuela that are doing almost the same thing, will you tell me why users keep creating their own communities?

🔶Fjjrg: It is very true that there are several communities in Venezuela, if you look, each one has a particular vision and is in which a number of people who have the same affinity have joined.

Let me explain: "Steemit Iron Chef", is a community created to share only food and beverage content in any of its presentations, food lovers gather here for it.

"Crypto. kids" is a community focused on children and teenagers, to share school activities, and projects, and support young people in their growth.

"Steem Venezuela" is the pioneer community of our country, here most Venezuelans share content related to our nation, our culture, and our traditions.

"Latin community", whose team is purely Venezuelan but with a vision of continental unity, where users from all over the American continent meet and share activities of the region.

"Venezolanos Steem", a community that has dedicated itself to Art in any of its expressions, music, literature, and painting, among others..

: If you were to make steemit a better place, what will you do?

🔶Fjjrg: The platform itself has already broken the barriers of distances and schedules, there are still some language barriers (despite the digital translators there is still some misgivings about it), however, to make steemit a better place, I would try to develop more training activities for multinational teams, to share the verification criteria and that everyone works in the same tune.

Let me explain, the Steemitblog team has given some guidelines, the same ones used for booming votes, a minimum of 300 words (except for photo or painting contests where the image is what is valued), a minimum of 3 own or copyright-free images, no plagiarism, no bots, no AI, however, many publications have only one image, others repeat the photos, others do not reach 100 words, and despite this, they are still supported, so the idea is to unify a minimum criterion that all communities comply with and stick to it..

: Many Users create a community today and tomorrow they power down and run away with such big assets contributed by others, do you think there can be a solution to this?

🔶Fjjrg: I have seen cases of community shutdowns, some large and with great capital, others small and with little performance, however, it is impossible to determine the intentions of the founder or founders.

I understand from my own experience, that creating a community is not easy, because you need a team, at least 3 or 4 people to help you. The other thing you need is a theme, something that no one has developed and that there is no other like it, it makes no sense to make 5, 10, or 20 communities dedicated to sports, the important thing is to specialize.

In my case, I looked for communities of travel, exploration, camping, and outdoor life and I did not find it, so I decided to go ahead with my project of the Scouts and their friend's community.

I suggest that communities should have some sort of "approval" from the Steemitblog team, based on the principle of specialization..

: You seem to write many diary games, why do you choose this as your niche?

🔶Fjjrg: You should know, my friend, that at the beginning I flatly refused to do it, I didn't like to be sharing so much personal information, however, it was one of the topics that received the most votes. Eventually, I decided to make a test, after reading so many diaries, and I took them as a daily writing exercise, in which I share some things of my daily life and at the same time, I practice the ability to synthesize and narrate some specific experiences. At this moment I am approaching my 200th diary.

: As a Community Admin of Scout, what measures do you put to fight Abusers both in your country if any and in the blog?

🔶Fjjrg: Ok, there are several types of abusers, as for plagiarism, there are those who do it out of ignorance, they are simply oriented and given an opportunity to edit their work, of course, after giving them a little guidance and a warning, they would be allowed to make progress, but In case of repeating the error, the publication is muted.

Usually a user is given a warning three times. At this moment there are about 25 users muted for plagiarism, spam and misconduct.

: Do you like music and whats your favourite?

🔶Fjjrg: I love it, I am plural in this sense, however, I am passionate about salsa, llanera music, ballad and pop. From my homeland, the gaita..

: Apart from steemit, what's your real-life profession?

🔶Fjjrg: I have a degree in Administration, specializing in Marketing and Management, with other higher education, to improve and deepen my area of work, which has allowed me to become a business consultant and university professor for over 15 years.

: Whose blog do you enjoy reading?

🔶Fjjrg: I like literature content, the creation of stories, poems, narrations, suspense and horror content; I also like content about wildlife, nature, animals, travels, and above all the challenges, the contests in which one has to investigate a little, go deeper before giving an answer.

: What was your sad situation when you were still a student in school?

🔶Fjjrg: As a student I had difficulties, the lack of a solid job that allowed me to work and study, it was very difficult, in fact, many times, I had to leave the semester because of work, I had a family to support and it was not easy. That was a situation that was repeated many times, so that a normal 5-year career took me a little more than 10 years, twice as long, however, once I graduated, everything improved a lot. I have always been a man of accomplishing goals, I may suffer a setback, but I never give up.

: .I know chess is one of your favourite games, can you tell us one rule from chess that can benefit humans in real life?

🔶Fjjrg: Focus on your ultimate goal, work to obtain it, to fulfil your goals. Once you focus on your goal and you have it clear, you must make a strategic plan to achieve it. In life, we must set goals and objectives, and our work plan will focus on what I must do to achieve them.

An example on the platform would be, for a new user to become a Dolphin, that is your main goal, now, the strategic plan is everything you have to do to achieve it, first, get to fish, the first 500 Sp, for this you must make at least one publication a day, participate in any contest that is to your liking, comment and support at least 10 daily posts, and turn on everything you can. Once you reach your first 500 SP repeat the strategy until you reach the first 1000 SP, then 2000 SP, 3000 SP, 4000 Sp and finally reach 5000 SP. Dedication, perseverance, hard work, daily, positive attitude..

: .If you were to visit Africa, which country will that be?

🔶Fjjrg: Africa is a very interesting continent, it has countless sites that are well worth visiting, however, there is one very special one for me, in Kenya, in Nyeri, in the cemetery of San Pedro, in the Wajee natural park. Here is the final resting place of the founder of the World Scout Movement, Sir Robert Baden Powell and his wife Olave Saint Claire, founder of the women's scout movement known as "Girl Guides and Girl Scouts".

In that place is the house where he lived his last years of life, experiencing his role as "World Chief Scout". Personally, she is a representative icon of the oldest and largest youth movement in the world..

: Recently your daughter needed serious medical attention, how is her condition now?

🔶Fjjrg: She is under treatment, much better and very soon she will be able to be operated on, now we are waiting to schedule her intervention according to the availability of the specialist and the surgery room. We hope that her bilateral strabismus surgery will be performed very soon and that she will be able to work perfectly and without setbacks.

: What does it feel like to face the type of tough situation you ate facing now and still blogging?

🔶Fjjrg: Well, it is not easy, because mentally I am with my daughter and with the whole process of her treatment and her next operation. Now, while she sleeps or rests in her room or on the office furniture I have at home, I take the opportunity to de-stress and attend to my obligations to the community and also attend to my blog, publish, comment and give support with votes.

: As a family Man, how do you balance your family affairs and steemit activities?

🔶Fjjrg: In my house, we all have our own activities, however, because I work at home, I am able to spend a lot of time with them, which is a great opportunity to keep us up to date and united as a family. However, as I have told you, I get up extremely early, so it's much fresher for me to work and I can get ahead of core activities. We always have to make space to share as a family, as family comes first.

: Which user/Users will you like me to feature on my show?

🔶Fjjrg: There are many interesting people on the platform, I can mention several people for your program, for example, @rmm31 and his wife @naka05, who have an extraordinary experience in steemit.

: Where do you see steemit in 2030?

🔶Fjjrg: A platform with lots of users, lots of opportunities and a huge growth opportunity.

: Do you have any suggestions to the steemit team?

🔶Fjjrg: Appoint more Steem representatives, it is necessary to unify criteria and promote creativity and quality of content.

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase?

🔶Fjjrg: A great space where we can share experiences, both positive and those that have not been positive, because we learn from everything. Thank you for this opportunity, in which God's timing is perfect to be able to carry out this space so pleasant and that has witnessed many good steemians.

Thank you for the opportunity and congratulations for the great work you are doing in your community and in the platform. Greetings..

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

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See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

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