The Interview Showcase #61- Exclusive Talk With A young Venezuelan musician/blogger

Hi there,

Welcome to my show, it's The Interview Showcase!!!. with your host ubongudofot. This is the 61st Edition of “The Interview Showcase...." and my 31st show for 2023. Stay calm and follow along as I unveil this interesting edition of the Interview showcase.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of top users/users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

This week, I had a very interesting Interview with a very young Venezuelan musician and blogger. I love this girl's creativity. Her voice is magic when It comes to singing and she is so creative. She once mentioned to me that she is going to be a full-time musician in the future when she grows up. She is just 14years, I think this is the youngest guest I have ever featured on my show. Please let's welcome @rosiortega to my show.....

Enjoy her dynamic voice...

Note: This call was made in the presence of her mother @mayepariata

: Hi Rossi, it's nice to have you on my Interview Showcase today, how will you describe yourself to everyone and how old are you?

🔶Rosiortega: I consider myself a bold and persevering person, everything I set my mind to, I try to achieve, I am an introvert and talented, always looking to give my best to fulfil my dreams. I am 14 years old and I know that very soon I will fulfill my dreams.

:That's interesting!

: How long have you been blogging on steemit and at what age did you start blogging?

🔶Rosiortega: About 2 years ago my mom told me about the platform and she told me to open an account, I remember that I got to post several times but for reasons of not having internet I did not continue. About a month ago I decided to start again and activate my account here on Steemit and since then it has become my favourite place to pastime. I interact with other users and make my post as much as I can in the community daily.

: Will you say blogging on Steemit has affected you positively?

🔶Rosiortega: The truth is, I would say yes since it is something that I am passionate about writing, creating content, and being able to express myself and express my ideas is something that has me motivated and eager to continue advancing more and more on the platform.

: If you were to mention your accomplishment at a young age. What is your proudest accomplishment?

🔶Rosiortega: Well my proudest achievement was last year in a writing contest where I won first place and they also gave me a prize of $100 which was what I managed to buy myself my phone with. In the same way, in music I have also had many awards, I have won third, second and first place since I was little, I sang llanera music, which is the music of our country Venezuela and I attended many singing festivals..

: What is your relationship with music?

🔶Rosiortega: My relationship with music goes beyond what I can imagine, my mother says that since I was in her womb I like music, she had to play me instrumental music to be able to stay calm 😊. Also when I was born and when I was a month old before my mom could sleep she has to sing to me..

With her Music group some years ago

I grew up and joined the local symphony orchestra, I lived and also attended singing classes with a teacher, I spent the day singing and I still do, I have the facility to learn many songs.

Music accompanies me everywhere, I always listen to music even to do some job at home, music recharges my energies and everything is cleaner when I listen to music and sing.

: In a nutshell, you are music!

In her early years in Music career

: You once mentioned that you lost your mandolin at the age of eight, how good were you at playing it and how much will a new mandolin cost now?

🔶Rosiortega: Yes, in fact, I no longer have it because we had to move from the town where we lived and I had to give up my beloved mandolin. Playing it is something harmonious since its sound is sweet and pleasant, I remember that the strings hurt my fingers a bit but nevertheless, I practised with it every day.

Currently, the price of a new mandolin is approximately $150, which in Steem would be 873 and second-hand or used ones are sold between $50 and 70, which in Steem would be 330..

: On one of the contests I organized some weeks ago, I noticed that you have a very sweet and dynamic voice, Is there any other person in your family who sings like that?

🔶Rosiortega: Yes, there is my cousin who, in the same way that I was part of the orchestra and the singing classes, he also sings and I am currently convincing him to be part of this great platform, in addition to singing he plays the guitar and the cuatro. His favourite genre is Rock..

Llegando a Charlotte.

: How far do you want to go in Music?

🔶Rosiortega: In music, I would like to go very far, like being a famous and recognized singer. They always tell me that I have a lot of talent, a very beautiful voice and a scene when interpreting a melody..

: Are you a student, what are you studying, and your level in school?

🔶Rosiortega: Yes, currently I just passed for 4th year of high school..

: Is blogging something that has come naturally to you just like music, or is it something you've had to work hard at?

🔶Rosiortega: Writing in a blog is something very natural for me, since as I mentioned before it is something that I have been doing for two years now, I recently created an emotional collection of 50 poems, all of which are a source of my inspiration.

: As a student, how do you balance your daily activities while still blogging?

🔶Rosiortega: At the moment I am already on vacation, however when I was studying, I spent my time first doing my homework and the school tasks that I had pending and then I took time to enter the platform, I think that there is time for everything and if we know how to manage it we can meet all our obligations.

: What advice would you give to aspiring bloggers of your age?

🔶Rosiortega: I advise you to follow the rules of the platform, to try to improve your publications every day, to be patient and perseverant and to see Steemit as a piggy bank where we can have savings.

: Which Music artist in the world has been your model?

🔶Rosiortega: Without a doubt, my example in this case is young Olivia Rodrigo, she inspires me with her songs, she encourages me to persevere in what I want and I am surprised by everything she has experienced to get where she has. Since I was little I always watched her performances and I loved them, now that she is a singer, I want to be like her.

: Which user will you like me to interview in my show and why?

🔶Rosiortega: I would like to see the interview of the friend @franyeligonzalez. She is a lady very dedicated to the platform and has achieved her achievements thanks to her dedication..

I will also like you to interview @mayepariata, she is a good coach.

: I already Interviewed her some months ago...

: What do you like doing in your leisure?

🔶Rosiortega: In my spare time I like to listen to music, write stories, and blog here on the blog, I also do exercises (sometimes hehe) and go for a walk with my friends from school.

: On average, how many hours per week do you put into Steemit-related efforts?

🔶Rosiortega: Lately, I think many hours 😊 yes, Steemit has become my favourite hobby and I spend many hours interacting, reading the other publications of my friends, creating quality content, etc..

: What do you like about Steemit?

🔶Rosiortega: Definitely it is creating content for both stories, the Challenges and now creating music for Steem, it is entertaining to show people around the world what you do out of passion even if it is through the screens, that makes me happy...

: Which Steemian would you like to sing a song with If you have the opportunity?

🔶Rosiortega: I would like to sing with my friend @pandora2010 since she is a girl I like very much, I consider her my friend and she is an example to follow, for me, since she has been on the platform for more time and has already obtained her 3rd dolphin within the platform.

: Do you have any messages for the Steemit team?

🔶Rosiortega: Yes, I would like to first thank you because from the beginning you have supported me, you continue with the platform for many years, and you continue to support the children and adolescents who live on the platform since we can be entertained with good and productive things. and not wasting time doing nothing..

I will like to thank the steemit team for all their support and different initiative in the platform to help users and young ones like me grow. With Steem, I can achieve more

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase, do you think it is interesting and should be continued?

🔶Rosiortega: I think that it is very interesting since we can learn more about the users that make up Steemit, I also enjoy answering all the questions that seemed very easy to answer and undoubtedly adapted to my personality and tastes..

: Thank you, Rosi, I enjoyed this great conversation with you and I hope to see more of your creativities in the blog, I enjoy them, I also wish you success

And to users reading this Interview, please feel free to support her, she is creative and she has a lot to offer, she only needs that opportunity.

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Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

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See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

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