The Interview Showcase #98 - Exclusive Talk with A Venezuelan Professor/blogger

Hello people of Steem and Steemit,

It's a new week, welcome to the 98th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 22nd show for 2024.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

On this week's show, I would be talking with a Venezuelan professor who is currently working as classroom teacher in a public school. She is one of the biggest artist in the blog but yet hidden. It would be my privilege to showcase her on my show today. Please let's welcome @dilialy all the way from Venezuela to my show!

@dilialy's property

: How would you describe yourself to the community?

🔶Dilia : My name is Dilia Linares, I am 39 years old, I was born in Venezuela, a very beautiful country where Venezuelans are characterized by the great human warmth that characterizes us. Personally, I consider myself a fairly sociable person, I like to support and help everyone who needs it. I love my family with all my heart, my two children are my life, every day I try to improve myself for them. When I offer my friendship I do it with sincerity. I love drawing and making crafts, it's something I really enjoy doing.

: How would you describe your experience on Steemit since you Join?

🔶Dilia : It has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Three years ago I registered my username on Steemit, thanks to a friend and colleague who told me about this wonderful platform. This was precisely in the month of May. I have met many people from all over the world, virtually of course. Steemit is that place that has led me to develop my drawing skills much more, which is one of my favorite hobbies, although it has also become a job for me due to our economy.

: You post mostly diary game and some great art contents, why have you chosen this publication as your main kind of publication?

🔶Dilia : Yes, I really like sharing my diaries with all the steemians, but what I am most passionate about sharing are my drawing and craft tutorials. I feel that in this way I can help other users develop their drawing or craft skills. I clarify that I am not a professional illustrator, but I am one of those who thinks that practice makes perfect, so if we practice daily making small drawings, we can all become professionals at it.

: That's so interesting! Steemit was suppose to be a place to learn like that.

: What does it takes to produce those art works?

🔶Dilia : As I mentioned in the previous question, consider that everything is in constant practice, apart from that, everything we do must be done with great subtlety, patience and above all with the heart. Everything we do in our lives with love turns out to be truly beautiful.

: Do you like music, and what is your favorite Secular song?

🔶Dilia : My favorite song is “I expected you” by Alejandra Guzmán.

: What is one specific thing you will like people to know about Venezuela?

🔶Dilia : I would say, it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world... With a huge tourist area, anyone who knows Venezuela does not want to leave. The great human quality of the people is wonderful.

: What has been your biggest achievement since you joined the Steemit platform?

🔶Dilia : Steemit has helped me in many things, thanks to this platform and the great support of several Steemic friends, my mother was able to undergo kidney surgery, since her kidney was dilated and she was about to lose it, she had to have emergency surgery. . Those blessed friends donated the Steem that was required at that time to me. That is something that I will always thank you for life and from the heart.

: What is your greatest fear?

🔶Dilia : Something bad is happening to my children...

: If steemit was to be your own, what do you think you can do to improve its growth?

🔶Dilia : It would develop digital campaigns through social networks, publicizing the platform, carrying out activities in open spaces where there is a large flow of people, thus attracting attention and attracting new users.

: What are your thoughts about global warming?

🔶Dilia : I believe that over the years global warming or the warming of the earth has been increasing and this has resulted in the climate change that we have been experiencing. There are countries where droughts are very extensive, while in others we can observe major floods. Large heat waves have impacted humans and animals. One of the great consequences of climate change are also the glaciers, which are melting... If measures are not taken to avoid the negative effects, the human species would be in danger of extinction in the long term.

: It's easier to recruit newbies, but retention becomes a little challenging most times, what do you think can be done to improve this?

🔶Dilia : I would carry out activities that attract attention, once registered I would create contests where they can demonstrate their skills and be rewarded for it. So that they see that their publications are important and very well rewarded. In this way they would maintain interest and feel that their publications are well valued on the platform.

: What advice will you like to pass to some hard working users who are striving to make it in the blog?

🔶Dilia : Keep a positive mind and do everything with a lot of dedication and love. Interact with other users by visiting and voting on their posts.

: Describe a typical day in your life?

🔶Dilia : My day starts early, I always thank God for all his goodness. I have to prepare breakfast for my family and then go to work. I get to school and take care of my students, since I am a Basic Education classroom teacher.

At noon I return home, prepare lunch for my family, clean my house. I work on a publication for the platform or on any drawing or craft assignment I have. This generates me extra income to support my family. In the afternoon I usually visit my mother-in-law who has been sick for a few months. At night I return home to prepare dinner and leave everything ready to start my routine again the next day.

: What's your opinion on renewable energy like solar?

🔶Dilia : I think it's wonderful that we can use solar energy to bring electricity to our countries. In this way we would be contributing to the conservation of the environment.

: Presently, I am running a solar project in Nigeria and potentially other African countries, called "Steem lighting Africa", and would be focusing on installing solar in schools, do you think it is something you can support?

🔶Dilia : Of course I would support it, even more so because I am an elementary school teacher and this would help a lot. Schools are the most vulnerable places in world economies, since they require great support from their rulers and they do not provide it. Children are the future of all nations and much more must be invested in education. I am really happy for this excellent project. You're a great human being, infact, I did support your project few days ago and would keep showing my supports.

: Whose blog do you enjoy reading on Steem?

🔶Dilia : I do not have a specific blog, since I really enjoy visiting and reading the posts of all the users, I think they are all interesting and each one dedicates time to writing and uploading a post, that is why they are all important to me.

: Which user/users would you like me to feature next on my show?

🔶Dilia : @crismenia. She is not a moderator of any community but she has been a curator and has done an excellent job curating user posts. Appreciating their effort. She has also done a magnificent job working with her account, she has been persevering and constant, this has led her to become a triple dolphin.

: If you can change something in the world what would that be?

🔶Dilia : The street children. I would love to have the financial resources to have homes all over the world where abandoned children can live. Children should play, study, laugh, dream, be happy. You should not be experiencing hardship or hunger. They are the future of the world.

: As an artist, do you think you can provide some tutorials/guides to other users on how to create some beautiful artwork as you do?

🔶Dilia : Yes, of course I can do it. In fact, in all the publications that I upload about a drawing or craft, it is accompanied by a tutorial so that all those users who read it can learn to do it themselves. Which is quite useful.

: What's your real life profession?

🔶Dilia : I am a Professor in Comprehensive Education. I currently work as a classroom teacher in a public school, studying 5th year of Primary Education.

: What message or suggestions do you have for the steemit team?

🔶Dilia : I think that publications that include tutorials should be valued more, whether about gastronomy, crafts, drawings, photographs.

It's not that diaries aren't important, of course they are, but I think that when we work, for example, on a drawing, it takes time to make the drawing, take the photos for the step by step, edit the photos that remain. To upload, explain the step by step while writing the post and then upload it to the platform. I think it is something that takes us hours from creation to publication and should be valued more. In this way, users would feel that their publications are more valued and would be willing to create more quality content for the platform. It's my humble opinion, I don't want to offend anyone with my comment...

🔶Dilia : Useful information, thank you And NO you didn't offend anybody.

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase?

🔶Dilia : I think it's wonderful that you have created this space where we can give our opinion on different topics and talk about what we like to do on Steemit. This way you also give us the opportunity to get to know each other better on the platform. I so much appreciate the invitation to your program, I feel flattered by it. I wish you success and blessings. Enjoy your launching ceremony this week!.

: Thank you very much Dilia for your time, it was nice to have you on my show.

To my audience

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If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

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See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

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