Would you like to know the story of this song?

Since Anatolia is a bridge connecting Asia and Europe, it is a geography that has experienced great wars and invasions in every period of its history.

Çanakkale has always been one of the most important cities of the Aegean Sea and Anatolia for Anatolia and the world. Known as "Troy" in ancient times, this geography is the legendary land where Hector the Great King of Troy and the Moment King Agamemnon (Akhileus in mythology) fought.

The bloodiest war of the First World War took place in Çanakkale, which is the only gate of the passage from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea. While the 8-month wars were directed from the European center, in addition, troops from countless countries from Africa to Europe, New Zealand and Australia and even India were piled up in the region and the Çanakkale was pillaged without stopping for 8 months.

Anatolia, whose number is less than the number of troops brought from all over the world, and rapidly losing blood, had to fight with boys aged 14-15 ... and Çanakkale was never conquered.

The victory achieved by young people and children, who know for sure that they are going to war to die and who do their duties with faith, has been the subject of folk songs and has always been remembered with love. The Çanakkale folk song we sing now tells about the young people and children who died at this young age ...

Let's see if you can hear their voices?

We hope that all of the humanity of the world has learned from wars and we live in a much more beautiful and peaceful world, knowing that we have no reason to fight. 🙏

with peace🌿❤️


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