MI sono innamorato di te by Luigi Tenco - Cover by Donatello

Dear music lovers

I played this song for Open Mic week 75 in March 2018. I often sing this song a cappella because I like it a lot.

I like the songs by Luigi Tenco, an Italian singer-songwriter who unfortunately died very young.


Mi sono innamorato di te

Mi sono innamorato di te
perché non avevo niente da fare
il giorno volevo qualcuno da incontrare
la notte volevo qualcosa da sognare

Mi sono innamorato di te
perché non potevo più stare solo
il giorno volevo parlare dei miei sogni
la notte parlare d'amore

Ed ora che avrei mille cose da fare
io sento i miei sogni svanire
ma non so più pensare
a nient'altro che a te

Mi sono innamorato di te
e adesso non so neppure io cosa fare
il giorno mi pento d'averti incontrata
la notte ti vengo a cercare.

English translation (poetic)

I Fell in Love with You

I fell in love with you
because I had nothing better to do.
By day, I wanted to meet someone.
At night, I wanted something to dream about.

I fell in love with you
because I could no longer remain alone.
By day, I wanted to talk about my dreams.
At night, I wanted to talk of love.

And now that I have a thousand things to do,
I feel my dreams fade away—
and I no longer think
of anything else but you.

I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.

I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.

Feel free to leave a comment and thank you for watching!

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