Dear Steemians and members of this community
You need to power up your account and upvote other members' posts if you like to support this community. Please read this post by @davidcentenor.
Please don't post any more new contests or projects within this community without contacting me first. There are already enough projects in this community and for the time being, we don't need new ones.
I've decided to create my own list of the dance, music and fitness projects that run on Steemit. Please feel free to leave a comment along with the contest, project or challenge that you run. I will add them to the list in the next post. Here I'm talking about other contests or projects that run in other communities.
I will start with the longest-running project.
1 - The dance event has been running since July 2017. @danceandmusic announces this dance event every Sunday but you should create your post by Friday. This dance event runs on /trending/hive-118409. This is the latest link, @danceandmusic/dance-week-195-see-who-took-part-in-dance-week-194. You can still create a post when this event is not announced.
1 - The "Sing and play" music project is the longest-running music project here on Steemit. This the latest "Sing and play" event, @danceandmusic/sing-and-play-week-137-see-who-took-part-in-sing-and-play-week-136. You need to create your post by Wednesday. You can still create a post when this event is not announced.
5 - Music for Steem is run by @musicforsteem. The reason why I'm including this music event is that I like it and I also take part in it sometimes. Please visit their community page on /trending/hive-137433.
Please feel free to add your project or contest to the list. The projects should be related to dance, music or fitness. Just leave a comment!
Feel free to leave a comment and thank you for reading!