Hola, buenas noches mi gente linda!
espero esten genial la noche de hoy comparto un video de Baile que lo grabe en el diciembre pasado y que nunca habia compartido aqui en la comunidad, aqui aparece la señora Camila mi hija bella, que en todos los bailes quiere participar ella le da ese toque de alegria a mis dias y a mi vida, anque a veces tengamos dias dificiles nuestros hijos, son nuestro mejor aliciente para continuar la musica que seleccione es del genero Punta recuerdo en esos dias estaba practicando por que me encantaba mucho la fusion de ritmos de este estilo musical, proveniente honduras, se llama asi porque la parte que se utiliza como paso básico para bailar, son las puntas de los pies. Espero lo disfruten queridos amigos..Saludos con cariño @donatello y a toda la comunidad @danceandmusic.
Actividades de la comunidad @danceandmusic en las que puedes participar :
1 The dance event has been running since July 2017. @danceandmusic announces this dance event every Sunday but you should create your post by Friday. This dance event runs on /trending/hive-118409. This is the latest link, @danceandmusic/dance-week-193-see-who-took-part-in-dance-week-192. You can still create a post when this event is not announced.
2 The "dance and have fun" project is announced by @danceandmusic on Saturday or Sunday. This dance project runs on /trending/hive-118409. Dance and have fun week 139 will be announced later on. You can still create a post when this event is not announced.
3 The "Dance party" is announced by @danceandmusic on Thursday or Friday. This is the latest dance party, @danceandmusic/dance-party-week-29-see-who-took-part-in-dance-party-week-28-let-s-dance-and-have-fun. You can still create a post when this event is not announced.
4 - @shemzee is also running a dance contest. Please visit his latest dance contest post, @shemzee/oldies-but-goldies-dance-contest-vol-2-dub-reggae.
5 - @mariajruizb runs a dance contest too. Please visit her 3rd dance contest post, @mariajruizb/concurso-de-baile-creativo-3-tema-colores-creado-por-mariajruizb.
6 Concurso de baile: Regresemos en el tiempo by @littlegremlin, @littlegremlin/actualizacion-del-concurso-de-baile-regresemos-en-el-tiempo.
1 The "Sing and play" music project is the longest-running music project here on Steemit. From now on @danceandmusic will announce this music event every Friday. This the latest "Sing and play" event, @danceandmusic/sing-and-play-week-136-see-who-took-part-in-sing-and-play-week-135-a-new-record-47-entries. You need to create your post by Wednesday. You can still create a post when this event is not announced.
2 @marvalstudios is also organising a music event. This is the latest link, @marvalstudios/retro-music-week-6-or-or-earn-trx-and-steem-register-your-entry-and-participate.
3 @diosmarymaiz1 y @josesalazar200 are organising a new music event. This is their theird event, @diosmarymaiz1/eng-spa-sing-together-week-3-register-your-entry-and-participate.
4 RANDOM MUSIC CONTEST - Ronda (Round) 1 by @eugelys, @eugelys/random-music-contest-ronda-round-1-una-cancion-dedicada-a-a-song-dedicated-to.
5 -Music for Steem is run by @musicforsteem. The reason why I'm including this music event is that I like it and I also take part in it sometimes. Please visit their community page on /trending/hive-137433.
6 La Voz DISNEY !! // DISNEY Voice || by @marvalstudios, @marvalstudios/la-voz-disney-disney-voice-or-or-earn-steem-and-trx-register-your-entry-and-participate-primera-edicion.
7 Concurso "Canto a Capella" Week 1 creado por @danieldedosd2, @danieldedosd2/concurso-canto-a-capella-week-1-creado-por-danieldedosd2.
8 Concurso "La Voz" gala Numero 1 por @edmundocentenor, @edmundocentenor/concurso-la-voz-gala-numero-1-por-edmundocentenor.
1 "Keep fit and have fun" is a fitness project that started as "The fitness contest". It's a fun way to keep fit. This is the latest link, @danceandmusic/keep-fit-and-have-fun-week-61-see-who-took-part-in-keep-fit-and-have-fun-week-60.
2 NEW INITIATIVE – MUSIC FOR FITNESS. STAY HEALTHY, STAY TUNED by @shemzee, @shemzee/new-initiative-music-for-fitness-stay-healthy-stay-tuned. This contest will end on 25 APRIL 2021.
Hasta una nueva oportunidad queridos amigos Dios nos bendiga a todos nos de fuerza en medio de las dificultades y nos de animo para continuar activos bailando.
fuente de informacion de actividades:
si deseas aun mas actualizaciones sobre concursos y las diversas actividades visita la comunidad @danceandmusic y suscribete.