Sing and Play Week 133 // Introduce You An Indonesian Song - "TERLALU MANIS" By SLANK// Cover Song


Hello my Steemian's friends. Great to see you all again on this week's @singandplay. We already on weeks 133 now. The celebration should be more special. I'd like to say, for me, it's a bless for to be part of this community. I have chosen An Indonesian Song from SLANK, one of the greatest band in Indonesia. TERLALU MANIS the tittle of the song that I cover for this moment is one of this band hits. The meaning of the tittle's song TOO SWEET. This is kind of rock Ballad song with the major key. I always feeling good to start a song with a major key.

Okay, now you may check on my video performance today. The cover of TERLALU MANIS, one of my favorite song I bring it on this @singandplay

Then as usual, the lyrics and its translation is available...

Kuambil gitar dan mulai memainkan
Lagu lama yang biasa kita nyanyikan
Tapi tak sepatah kata yang bisa terucap
Hanya ingatan yang ada di kepala

I took the guitar and started playing
The old song we used to sing
But not a word can be spoken
Only memories are in the head

Hari berganti angin tetap berhembus
Cuaca berubah daun-daun tetap tumbuh
Kata hatiku pun tak pernah berubah
Berjalan dengan apa adanya

The day changed the wind still blew
The weather changes the leaves keep growing
My heart never changed
Walk as it is

Di malam yang dingin dan gelap sepi
Benakku melayang pada kisah kita

On a lonely cold dark night
My mind drifted to our story

Terlalu manis untuk dilupakan
Kenangan yang indah bersamamu tinggalah mimpi

Too sweet to be forgotten
The sweet memories with you are only dreams

Terlalu manis untuk dilupakan
Walau kita memang tak saling cinta, takkan terjadi diantara kita

Too sweet to be forgotten
Even if we don't love each other, nothing will happen between us


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