Sing And Play Week 135 // Cover An Indonesian Song - "KEMESRAAN" // @MISTERREZA

Sing and Play Week 135! Here is my entry for this Sing and Play The million people song from my beloved Indonesian musician, Iwan Fals. Actually, this song, KEMESRAAN was composed by the Sahilatua's brother, Johny and Franky Sahilatua. They were the Indonesian great singers as well. On this week of Sing and Play, I try my best to cover this song to all of you whose coming to my video and watching it. It's my pleasure to say thanks to the host of this community, @donatello for the invitation to us to take part on every week music celebration on this platform.

Little bit about the song that I recorded on this video, there is an interesting fact about it. This song has become a ceremonial's song which is always singing by people at the end of the events in Indonesia. KEMESRAAN or in English translation, Intimacy is like the closing Anthem of every great moments. The moments that must bring the happiness. So, wherever you are, don't forget to be happy, because The happiness lies within you..😀

Here is the link of the song that I stored on YouTube and share the link here...

As usual the lyrics and its English translation is available...

Suatu hari
Dikala kita duduk ditepi pantai
Dan memandang
Ombak dilautan yang kian menepi

One day
When we sit on the beach
And behold
The waves in the ocean are getting more and more sided

Burung camar
Terbang bermain diderunya air
Suara alam ini
Hangatkan jiwa kita

The Seagull
Fly playing in the roar of the water
This sound of nature
Warm our souls

Sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Suara gitarmu
Mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta

The sun rays slowly started to sink
My guitar sound
Delivering a melody about love

Ada hati
Membara erat bersatu
Getar seluruh jiwa
Tercurah saat itu

There is a heart
Burning tightly united
Shakes the whole soul
Gushed out at that moment

Kemesraan ini
Janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini
Ingin kukenang selalu

This intimacy
Don't pass quickly
This intimacy
I want to always remember

Hatiku damai
Jiwaku tentram disampingmu
Hatiku damai
Jiwaku tentram bersamamu

My heart is at peace
My soul is peaceful beside you
My heart is at peace
My soul is at ease with you

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